雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Yufuin (由布院 as onsen resort, 湯布院 as city district) is a popular hot spring resort, located about ten kilometers inland from Beppu, another, much larger and more developed hot spring resort. Yufuin has a wealth of art museums, cafes and boutiques, and many travelers come to the city just to stroll about town for the day.

  2. 立ち寄り入浴のできる温泉施設のご紹介。 温泉めぐりも旅の楽しみ! 観光MAP. -お散歩マップ- 地図を観ながら由布院を散策するのも楽しい。 旅行前の計画にもご利用ください。 PHOTO. -フォト- 四季折々に移り行く風景や映えスポットなどをご紹介しております。 《 カテゴリーから探す 》

  3. Located at the foot of Mount Yufu, Yufuin Onsen is one of the most popular resort towns in Japan. It contains a wide range of traditional ryokan and modern hotels where you can bathe as a day visitor or an overnight guest.

  4. 芍薬 -SYAKUYAKU- 這是東匠庵內唯一奢華到極致的特別客房。 東匠庵位於由布院的精選區域。 您可以盡情享受雄偉的由布火山、 寧靜的田園風光及豐富的溫泉,盡情放鬆身心的奢華時光。 ONSEN 客房溫泉. 柔軟的泉水,帶有美肌的功效。 本館溫泉無色透明,泉質柔軟。 每間客房均設有視野開闊的私人觀景浴池。 本館的“鹼性單純溫泉”。 以其美膚特性而聞名。

  5. 可以駕車、乘坐巴士或電車抵達。. 火車:從大分站乘坐 JR 久大本線到由布院站,行程約 1 小時,全程可使用日本鐵路通票。. 從別府站乘坐 JR 日豐本線到大分站,然後轉乘久大本線前往別府站(1 小時 15 分鐘)。. 由於電車不走直線,所以從別府駕車前往由布 ...

  6. Yufuin Onsen is around 10km from Beppu Onsen, at the foot of Mt. Yufu. It is a highly walkable resort town, with shopping streets, cafes and galleries, and a wide choice of hot springs and hotels. Many of the hotels allow day visitors to use their hot springs.

  7. Yufuin in only about 23 km or 14 miles east of Beppu (reported by many western tour books as the onsen king of Japan). After experiencing onsen in Hakone, Takayama, Matsumoto, Nyuto, and Naruko areas in the past 12 years, Beppu in my books is a lot like Waikiki in Hawaii, highly commercialized and lacks atmosphere.

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