雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2019年2月18日 · Japanese dogs are an iconic part of perception of Japan abroad. Thanks to the heartwarming statue of Hachiko, the loyal Shiba Inu, in Shibuya, ad campaigns that highlight regional breeds of pooches like the Akita Inu, and the prevalence of adorable dogs on YouTube and Instagram, anyone who loves Japan very likely also loves their dogs!

  2. 2017年5月29日 · 接下来这家是来自北海道札幌的つぼ八,创立于1973年。 目前在日本47个县市,已经有30家分店了。在泰国,新加坡,马来西亚和印度尼西亚等东南亚国家,你依然可以找到つぼ八的身。 这家连锁店的名字取自总店的地面空间,つぼ八的意思是“8坪”,在日本,1坪相当于3.3平米。

  3. 暑假就快到了,準備帶領全家造訪日本的朋友們,已經找到心儀的住宿了嗎?預計要來東京旅遊的親子遊家庭請看過來,這一篇東京飯店式公寓與東京包棟式民宿的住宿整理推薦就絕對不能錯過。打破東京住宿空間總是讓人緊繃的印象,以高規格的裝潢加上隱蔽的私人空間,相信這趟東京親子遊 ...

  4. 2019年3月18日 · It's a thick chicken ramen served with lemon and rice. While the broth is like a thick chicken soup, the lighter toppings and lemon really brighten up the dish. It's perfect for summer! Address: 1 Chome-4-18 Takadanobaba, Shinjuku, Tokyo 169-0075. Kikanbo.

  5. 2021年10月6日 · (撮:永禮賢、照片提供:日本財團) 將西方發明的免治馬桶融入日常生活,這次日本獨有的廁所美學又有了新創舉。2021年夏天,這間藉由開關門,玻璃便會轉為不透明的東京某處「透明」廁所,在網路上引爆了話題討論。

  6. 2016年6月29日 · While Japan has 11 cat islands many of them are located far away from Tokyo. Cat lovers close to the city don’t have to miss out, though, with an island in Kanagawa Prefecture, located roughly an hour away from Shinagawa Station, being home to a cute cat population of its own. To get here, visitors can use the special “Misaki Maguro Kippu ...

  7. 2016年4月27日 · One might say that Golden Week is truly golden, because not only do students get a bit of vacation time, but it’s actually the longest vacation period of the year for many Japanese employees, making it a highly anticipated holiday for families residing in Japan. The key dates are April 29 (Showa Day), May 3 (Constitution Memorial Day), May 4 ...