雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2008年12月27日 · 2007年6月29日,導演楊德昌因結腸癌於美國洛杉磯去世,享年59歲。媒體報導大多集中在他前妻歌手蔡琴及遺孀鋼琴家彭鎧立的三角關係,當然,這也是台灣媒體的正常反應。楊德昌生前的代表作,我想應該還是獲得金馬獎最佳劇情片獎與最佳原著劇本獎、亞太影展最佳影片

  2. 2009年1月17日 · 「快快樂樂出門,平平安安回家。」這是台灣小學生耳熟能詳的標語,即使像我這種過了中年的四五年級生,也都還印象深刻。可是要「快快樂樂出門」容易,想「平平安安回家」就多少要靠點運氣了。台灣的小學裡,雖然沒出現美國那種闖入暴徒,連續槍殺數十人的慘劇;或是中國那

  3. 笔者还想说说另一个或许不大能称之为前卫摇滚,但前卫乐迷都很喜欢把他列入讨论范围的,就是所谓主要与摇滚交融而成的融合乐(FUSION)。Miles Davis於六十年代末期发表数张融合爵士的典范专辑,试图打破早期爵士的艰涩,它让传统爵士乐手明了了插了电的爵士

  4. 2006年10月15日 · 在上面Mindy Ran的"The forgotten history of the slave trade”一文中是這樣說的: In the 17th and 18th century,… there were no European women in the colonies. Most wives of Dutch men had begun their lives as slaves and could be freed after the death of their "boss" or husband if his will specifically requested it.

  5. 首先認識成吉思汗,是在傳統的50年代的教科書中,成吉思汗,是一位異族,是元朝的始祖,他的子孫滅了宋朝(活該),把我們漢人列為低等社會族群;他們的最大貢獻據說為了傳遞「八月中秋殺韃子」的字條而成為中秋節月餅的理論根據。. 再次碰到成吉思汗 ...

  6. In 1926, Magritte produced his first surrealist painting, The Lost Jockey (Le jockey perdu), and held his first exhibition in Brussels in 1927. Critics heaped abuse on the exhibition. Depressed by the failure, he moved to Paris where he became friends with André Breton, and became involved in the surrealist group.

  7. But history shows just the opposite. Until recently, the AMA viewed chiropractors as competition and tried to destroy the practice of chiropractic medicine in its entirety. In When Healing Becomes and Crime, Kenny Ausubel writes, "For over 12 years and with ...