雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2022年12月7日 · 修讀的Master是全日制研究型課程,即哲學碩士(MPhil)課程 你就可以豁免學費,免費讀碩士。 小貼士 如果你對自己是否本地學生有疑問,那麼可以參照:https://www.jupas.edu.hk/tc/page/detail/3670/#def_nls 該唔該讀Master?

  2. CUHK offers a variety of study options to cater for the different needs of students, ranging from research degrees of PhD, MPhil to Taught Master's degrees, PG Diplomas and PG certificate.

  3. Duration 24 months to 28 months. Fee HK$99,000 (payable in two instalments) Master of Science in Marketing with Festival and Event Management. The MSc in Marketing with Festival and Event Management is a two-year part-time programmes jointly offered by Edinburgh Napier University and HKU SPACE since Year 2010.

  4. 香港6大熱門碩士學位課程介紹. HKU Educational Psychology Master. 港大心理學專業在香港排名第一,其 EMBA大学排名 也名列前茅。 港大EMBA課程結合亞洲與西方的營商經驗與智慧,讓商界精英掌握最新商業知識。 港大的教育心理學碩士學位課程要求學生在兩年內完成14門必修課、1500小時的實習和一份相關研究報告。 你會在該課程中學到特殊教育心理學、發展心理學、統計與研究法等,課程內容覆蓋了心理學、教育學和統計學。 同時,你將會得到在心理咨詢室、特殊學校、幼兒服務中心等場所的實習經歷。 修讀年限 :2年. 心理學碩士出路 :繼續升讀、心理學研究員、心理咨詢師、輔導教師等。 入學要求. 擁有心理學榮譽學士學位或同等資歷. 有2年及以上的相關工作經驗.

  5. 2020年12月23日 · 有些工作會直接列明,大家需要master degree才可以申請。 如果你只是一個普通既大學生,又未能設計讓別人吸引眼球的履歷表,相信你會在面試中比較難脫穎而出,搶得先機,甚至未能出席面試。

  6. The University offers a wide range of full-time and part-time taught postgraduate programmes, ranging from one to three years in length. They operate on a semester system and candidates' academic progress is normally assessed by a combination of written examinations and project assignments throughout the year.

  7. PolyU offers a wide variety of distinctive academic programmes ranging from undergraduate programmes, master's degree programmes to research postgraduate studies to cater for the different needs of students.

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