雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2017年12月7日 · 8. Sogenji Temple (Tokyo) If you’re familiar with Japanese mythology and folklore, you surely know about the kappa. According to the Shintoist tradition, they're part of the water deity family, mischievous creatures who inhabit ponds and rivers and are generally prone to pranks. Kappa are the size of a child, and have a humanoid appearance ...

  2. 2016年8月12日 · Ghosts, monsters, fairies, goblins and ogres are all considered obake in Japanese culture. Since nature worship and animism are deeply embedded in the culture, Japanese people often think that natural transformation is some kind of sign, such as a rainbow after the rain, foliage in the woods, metamorphosis of insects and amphibians, etc.

  3. แนะนำสถานที่ชมดอกไม้ในภูมิภาคคิวชู (Kyushu) ท่ามกลางบรรยากาศธรรมชาติที่เหมาะกับการเดินทางไปเที่ยวพักผ่อนสบายๆ พร้อมกับชม ...

  4. 후지산이 가장 잘 보이는 신사는? Catherine Thor 최종 업데이트 2022년 9월 8일. 신사 세계유산 산 벛꽃 후지산 눈 절 & 신사 일본 초읽기 문화 골든위크 야마나시 츄부 코신네츠. 후지산은 일본의 대표적인 관광명소로 일본 여행 관련 블로그나 관광 사이트에서 한 ...

  5. 忠靈塔的正式名稱為「富士吉田紀念碑」,是1958年時為了安撫第一次世界大戰的亡靈而建造,屬於新倉山淺間公園的一部分。. 對這個地方想了解更多的朋友,歡迎點進 這裡 ,欣賞更多忠靈塔與浅間公園的美麗照片。. - www.city.fujiyoshida.yamanashi.jp (英文) 在山梨縣 ...

  6. 池袋是東京的美食兵家百爭之地,舉凡是燒肉、雞肉串、牛排到涮涮鍋吃到飽都能在池袋找得到。身為肉食女孩的特派員,這次就要帶大家吃遍池袋美食,一口氣網羅6間平價到奢華的池袋美食餐廳,喜歡大口吃肉的美食女子們千萬別錯過囉!

  7. 2024年5月26日 · 도쿄에서 지하철 을 타고 여행하는 길은 꽤나 피곤할 수 있지만, 이런 경우에 100엔을 더 내고, 다른 지하철을 타고 환승을 하는 방법으로 신주쿠에서 롯폰기로 가는 방법도 있지요. 돈을 더 내고. 환승도 해야하지만, 두 발이 피곤해지지 않는답니다. 게다가, 요즘 ...