雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2022年9月18日 · Beside the name restriction, the ban on artistes who had plastic surgery done again brings Angelababy to mind, as her vastly different looks before and after entering entertainment have long set tongues wagging. Despite the actress once getting a verification done at a hospital to deny plastic surgery work, netizens were not entirely convinced.

  2. 2020年12月29日 · Plagued by bad press, actress Kaman Kong (江嘉敏) not only fell out with good friend Crystal Fung (馮盈盈) after the infamous yacht party incident this year, but was also rumored to be intent on finding a rich partner. The actress, who has grown out of “younger sister” roles, continues to be consecutively cast in several dramas ...

  3. 2012年12月29日 · Bosco Wong (黃宗澤) had invested in a branch of Overtime Restaurant in Ipoh, Malaysia last year. With the restaurant’s recent renovation and conversion into a full-fledged music lounge and bar, misunderstandings quickly arose that Bosco’s investment last year

  4. 2013年1月13日 · Wong Jing (王晶) Wong Jing and Stephen Chow collaborated for close to a decade, spinning out memorable classics such as God of Gamblers 2 <赌侠 2>. The partnership reportedly ended because of an argument over money. Wong Jing recently stated, “Many people think that I love money. Actually, I love movies more than money.

  5. 2018年12月31日 · In January, TVB actress Louisa Mak (麥明詩) will be going on a 25-day cycling trip. Starting from Hong Kong, Louisa will cycle through Vietnam, Laos, Thailand and Cambodia. The journey will be filmed by TVB and accompanying her will be TV host, Bryan Poon (潘梓鋒) as well as the charitable organization’s Wong Tak Chi (王德志).

  6. 2014年8月2日 · Sire Ma ’s (馬賽) sex life came under public scrutiny after the leakage of her steamy lingerie video last week. Since Sire had filmed more provocative videos, she filed a police report. It is understood that the police has already captured the person who leaked the video after Sire provided a list of likely suspects.

  7. 2015年1月26日 · The Miss Chinese International 2015 pageant concluded on January 25, with Mandy Chai (蔡美霆) from Sydney, Australia winning the crown. Veronica Shiu (邵珮詩) from Hong Kong won first runner-up, while Catherine Hui (惠櫸喬) from New York, United States won second runner-up. Christina Jin (金詩迪) from Auckland, New Zealand received ...