雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. It's safe to say that I've seen quite a few Stephen Chow movies. Since I love his movies so much, I had to make a list, but I couldn't simple choose only 10 of his films to endorse, so I made a Top 20. I found this list hard to make without repeating myself and you can probably see why. Hope you enjoy and if there are any you would recommend that aren't on this list, please leave a comment.

  2. 1.其實寫程式的要訣只有一個字,一字記之曰"心"..2.寫程式的精華在於:程式有多少寫多少、註解有多少放多少,最好讓PM煩到不想看;文字有多大用多大、class有多少丟多少,最好讓PM多到不想翻;3.我是中國程式人員訓練學院第105屆畢業生,我的程式 ...

  3. 觀看星爺經典喜劇《唐伯虎點秋香》,欣賞江南四大才子的詩才和幽默,聽聽高清粵語對白,笑翻天!

    • 4 分鐘
    • 1046
    • Cross the world世界漫游
  4. 2022年6月22日 · 」還有幾個對王家衛致敬的橋段,不過,這兩部電影更多的是對愛情的著墨,甚至對白也是,即使有點無厘頭,卻是很感人的。 很多人倒背如流的《食神》,夢遺大師、雙刀火雞、評審味公主、中國廚藝訓練學院第105屆畢業生的唐牛,更大量的角色、設定跟經典對白,任誰現在都能隨口說上幾句。

  5. it.wikipedia.org › wiki › Stephen_ChowStephen Chow - Wikipedia

    Stephen Chow. Stephen Chow (周星馳; Hanyu Pinyin: Zhōu Xīngchí; cantonese: Chow Sing-chi; Hong Kong, 22 giugno 1962) è un attore, regista, sceneggiatore e produttore cinematografico hongkonghese. È uno dei più noti comici asiatici, ma il suo successo è arrivato anche in occidente, grazie ai film Shaolin Soccer (2001) e Kung Fusion (2004).

  6. 喜劇之王的劇本整理完成!喜劇之王(上)、(下)國語版劇本對白 是由DogCavy整理編輯放在首頁裡的星爺資料內的劇本對白裡!希望大家在應用時,能指明出處所有版權皆為電影公司所有 如有侵犯敬請告知!