雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. The new Nasdaq 100 & S&P 500 index call and put warrants offer you broader investment opportunities to the U.S. stock market. Click to learn more! *Based on net sold notional amount of warrants and callable bull/bear contracts by each issuer over the period 2022

  2. 11,500. 55645 牛. 法興提供所有相關資產的牛熊證的街貨分布數據,投資者可透過選擇相關資產,查找到相關資產的牛證及熊證的街貨比例、相對期指張數或相對個股股數、每個收回區域的街貨量佔比 (%)、過去五個交易日的街貨變化趨勢,以及各個收回區域的精選 ...

  3. 摩根大通獨家推出新版牛熊證搜尋器,投資者可快速瀏覽恒指或個股造價與牛熊證收回價的差距及牛熊證價格,讓你更快找到最新及貼市牛熊證選擇,在瞬息萬變的市場中捉緊投資機遇。. 摩根大通提供所有相關資產的牛熊證街貨分布數據,投資者可查找到相關 ...

  4. 法興為香港上市衍生產品市場(窩輪及牛熊證)的主要領導發行人,屢獲殊榮。法興認股證(窩輪)牛熊證網站提供正股、窩輪及牛熊證免費實時報價,互動技術分析圖表,窩輪及牛熊證搜尋器、輪證資金流及街貨分布、新上市產品、牛熊證剩餘價值等資訊,助你緊握輪證市場脈搏。

  5. The Issuer and its affiliates (“J.P.Morgan Group”) comprises a full-service securities firm and a commercial bank engaged in various securities trading and brokerage activities, as well as providing investment banking, asset management, financing, financial advisory services to a wide range of clients.

  6. 發行人 編號 名稱 牛 / 熊 行使價 收回價 正股價距 收回價 到期日 (年-月-日) 最後交易日 (年-月-日) 換股 比率 價格 發行人 買入 發行人 賣出 發行人 買賣差價 變化 ($) 變化 (%) 槓桿比率 (倍) 溢價 (%) 街貨量 (百萬份) 街貨量 (%) 上日街貨變化

  7. SG provides a simplified, faster version of the Smart Warrants search engine for investors. Investors can quickly filter out the irrelevant warrants just by three simple options: issuer, underlying and call/put type. Sophisticated investors can also apply advanced search options, such as strike price, maturity date, effective gearing, premium ...