雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. (3) 把優越嘉許獎章印於名片時,必須在獎章的下方列明獲取獎章相關持續專業進修時段的完結年份。 如往後的持續專業進修時段達到學分的要求並獲頒發另一持續專業進修計劃優越嘉許獎章,持牌人亦可在優越嘉許獎章的下方,按時序列印各時段的完結年份。

  2. 所有有限公司,不論其股東或董事是否香港永久性居民,於2012 年10 月27日或之後取得住宅物業,均須繳納買家印花稅。. 即該人士為物業的法定及實益擁有人。. 「香港永久性居民」的定義請參閱《印花稅條例》第29A(1)條。. 就買家印花稅而言,香港永久性居民包括 ...

  3. Interest income from a financial asset is accrued on a time basis, by reference to the principal outstanding and at the effective interest rates applicable, which is the rate that exactly discounts the estimated future cash receipts through the extracted life of the financial asset to that asset’s net carrying amount on initial recognition.

  4. I understand the terms of the e-Quiz set out in the CPD Scheme Guidelines and wish to have my answers marked by the EAA manually. I agree that the EAA’s result is final and any online answers submitted by me for the same e-Quiz will be invalid. 本人現附上I enclose herewith: 本人的答題紙my answer sheet. 本人地產代理證 ...

  5. 因應2019冠狀病毒疫情的最新發展,地產代理監管局(「監管局」)的辦事處已於2022 年4 月11日恢復對外開放,但仍會實施以下臨時服務安排,直至另行通知:

  6. 如前往監管局位於灣仔的辦事處 (地址: 灣仔合和中心26樓2601室) 提交牌照申請或領取牌照,請先於監管局的網上預約系統預約。按 此 前往網上預約系統。 Online Booking System

  7. www.eaa.org.hk › Portals › 0News Flash - EAA

    In regard to increasing public concern on the availability of properties and the accuracy of the particulars contained in the advertisements issued by estate agents, the EAA issued a relevant new Practice Circular (No. 18-02 (CR)) which sets out further guidelines to the trade on the issuance of property advertisements. This new Circular has taken e ect from 1 December 2018.

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