雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2024年5月3日 · iPhone vs. Android — the most intense argument in the phone world. We don't play favorites here at TG though, so we want to instead explain some of the key differences between the two operating ...

  2. Move content manually from your Android device to your iPhone or iPad Here are some tips for transferring your contacts, photos, music, documents, and more from your Android device to your new iPhone or iPad. You can also use the Move to iOS app to automatically transfer your Android content to your new iPhone or iPad. ...

  3. Tweet. AndroidiPhone必學4招. 1/7. 新iPhone剛剛正式發布,除了唔少iPhone用家都會急不及待升級出機,亦都會有Android用家想轉會去iPhone,之不過最麻煩係唔知點樣將Android手機的資料轉移到iOS,留意以下幾招,自己落手搞都可以輕鬆轉會。. 第1招:Apple自家《Move to iOS ...

  4. On your Android device, open the Move to iOS app. If you don't have the Move to iOS app, you can tap the QR code button on your new iOS device and scan the QR code using the camera on your Android device to open the Google Play Store. To start using the Move to iOS app: Tap Continue. Read the terms and conditions that appear, then tap Agree to ...

  5. 2022年9月14日 · iPhone資料轉移|近排推出咁多新手機,性價比極高的iPhone SE絕對係入門平玩最佳選擇,但換新iPhone首要亦都係最重要嘅一步,就係將舊手機或iPhone資料轉移,好多方法既複雜又令人擔心過程中遺失重要資料,其實Apple自iOS 12.4後,iPhone資料轉移就便變得相當方便,簡單幾步就可以輕鬆完成,iPhone換 ...

  6. 2021年2月18日 · iPhoneAndroid/PC/Mac AirDrop無線傳相片、影片、文件教學!一直以來iPhone/iOS/Mac之間可以利用AirDrop來互傳相片、文件非常方便,只需一點按鈕一秒即傳。但未能與Android或PC傳送文件就有點遺憾。不過最近有方法,iPhoneAndroid、PC及Mac ...

  7. 2024年2月21日 · To move photos and videos from your Android device to your iPhone or iPad using a computer: Connect your Android to your computer and find your photos and videos. On most devices, you can find these files in DCIM > Camera. On a Mac, install Android File Transfer, open it, then go to DCIM > Camera. Choose the photos and videos that you want to ...

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