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  1. sheesh 在英語中的意思. exclamation. informal uk / ʃiːʃ / us / ʃiːʃ / Add to word list. an expression of surprise or of being annoyed: "It cost two billion dollars ." "Sheesh!" Sheesh, how does she think I'll do that? 减少例句. "Sheesh," he said, shaking his head, "I never thought it would come to this." Sheesh! Get over yourself! Why are they so rude? Sheesh!

  2. 2022年8月25日 · 超潮用語 sheesh 是什麼意思? |WORDUP 短影片 #shorts - YouTube. 超潮用語 sheesh 是什麼意思? |WORDUP 短影片 #shorts. WORD UP 聰明學習. 13.6K subscribers. Subscribed. 64. 7.6K views 1 year ago. 想學更多嗎? 到 WORDUP 學最新最潮的英文用語:...

  3. 2024年2月5日 · 傳統上,「sheesh是一種感嘆詞或感嘆詞表達懷疑煩惱或憤怒。 這是一個用途廣泛的術語,幾十年來一直是英語的一部分,用於表達各種各樣的情感,這取決於所說的上下文。 在 TikTok 上,它經常用來表達對令人印象深刻或令人驚訝的事物的驚訝或欽佩。 這個術語通常發音為延長的“ee”音,以產生戲劇性和喜劇效果。 用戶展示自己的才能或成就的視頻,然後是帶有“sheesh”的評論或反應,以承認內容的令人印象深刻的情況並不罕見。 您可能還會聽到“sheesh”與一系列 “我的血管裡結冰”的手勢 搭配,用戶指向他們的前臂來象徵冷靜,進一步強調了這句話的欽佩方面。 Posted on 5 2 月, 2024 / by admin / 655 / TikTok.

  4. Sheesh意思It is a sort of fake annoyance, like when you are not really mad but pretending to be. It's very colloquial and usually in a friendly situation between friends. Example: You: I'm really tired, I just worked 20 hours in a row. Me: Only 20 hours? Sheesh! I

  5. Q: sheesh 是什么意思?. A: Sheesh doesn't have a direct meaning. It is a word someone uses to express annoyance or frustration, just like, "Ugh!" It is another way of saying "jeez!", which is an adulteration of "Jesus!" English speakers often exclaim, "Jesus!"

  6. 2023年6月23日 · 說回《SHEESH》,很多人都愛評頭品足別人,硬將自己一套擺在別人身上,AK也說:「好似我哋以前出道會俾人哋話:你哋係Dancer唔識唱歌,但俾人哋標籤咗,係咪就等於我哋就係咁樣? 會唔會有方法還擊呢? 又或者解釋返我哋嘅狀況呢? 〈SHEESH〉有好深嘅意義,大家一齊反醒下。 那麼,外間有這麼多標籤加諸到MIRROR身上,隊長會有甚麼看法? Lokman道:「可能好多人會標籤MIRROR係一個男團,男團應該要點,要學下人哋點點點。 《SHEESH》就係講緊,唔好理人哋點睇,做好自己先,答案就交俾人哋答啦! 總之做好自己、做咗自己想做嘅嘢就已經OK。 點擊圖片放大. +12. 突破標籤與框架. 今年已是MIRROR成軍第5個年頭,又是否已突破某些標籤與框架?

  7. 2020年7月16日 · sheesh! 的意思You can say “sheesh” when someone is angry with you and they have an overreaction