雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 我們開辦一系列物流管理相關的證書、專業文憑及銜接學士學位課程。 課程旨在讓學生在供應鏈、物流、國際經貿和航運範疇下的當代管理及經營環境有全面的了解,並裝備管理技能以探索新的商業機會。

  2. Highlights. The programme is offered in collaboration with Hong Kong Shippers' Council. It provides a comprehensive training in various aspects of shipping and logistics which suit the training needs of practitioners in the field and trainees who need to acquire a wide range of basic knowledge within a short period.

  3. The programme aims at provide students with the knowledge and skills to develop a career in the logistics and supply chain profession. Students will benefit from a multi-disciplinary approach that draws relevant concepts from different business functions in organizations.

  4. 2024年7月16日 · 物流及供應鏈管理專業文憑課程 (10個月至1年) 可申請最高2科豁免,最後決定以香港管理專業協會為準。 入學申請和訂定相關的要求和程序由大學全權審批,如有更改,將不另行通知。

  5. Professional Certificate in Strategic Logistics and Supply Chain Management 策略物流與供應鏈管理專業證書. 分享. 持續進修基金編號: 33K109998. 兼讀制12個月. 資歷架構級別: 4. 開課日期 : 2024年7月. 截止報名 : 2024年6月15日. 粵語授課,講義以英文為主. 3411 1999. adbus@hkbu.edu.hk. Programme Features.

  6. 兼讀制課程. 生命科學及科技. 交通、物流及供應鏈. Hong Kong is situated at the centre of Asia, a strategic location for international logistics and trade. The logistics and transport industries are therefore vital to Hong Kong’s success. Trade and business cannot excel without efficient supply chain management.

  7. This scheme provides comprehensive training of logistics and enterprise activities in the areas of business processes, information flows, organizational structure, information systems, logistics systems, facility design, supply chain management and operations management.

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