雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2022年7月6日 · He is now a symbol of courage and devotion to the emperor, and a statue of him stands outside Tokyo's Imperial Palace. 10. Sanada Yukimura (真田 幸村) Hailed in his day as the greatest warrior in Japan, Sanada Yukimura (1567-1615) battled valiantly against the tumultuous beginnings of Tokugawa rule over the nation.

  2. 2022年6月29日 · 320 Furukawacho, Yasugi, 692-0064 Shimane Prefecture. +81 (0)854-28-7111. Nihonga is a genre of modern Japanese painting that uses natural materials and draws inspiration from nature and traditional themes in Japanese culture. Find out more, including the best museums in Japan to experience the unique beauty of nihonga.

  3. 2017年5月2日 · 5. Money Charm (商売繁盛) This amulet, called the shobai-hanjo (商売繁盛), is said to provide good luck and good fortune in your business, whether you're an individual or a company. 4. Love Charm (縁結) This charm, called the en-musubi (縁結) is supposed to bring you good fortune with romance, love, and eventually marriage.

  4. 日本鐵道最初開通是在明治5年(1872),駅弁可以確定是在這之後出現的,但是關於最早的駅弁出自於哪裡卻有很多說法。其中最為有依據的是《宇都宮說》,相傳一家名為「白木屋」的旅館受日本鐵道局所托,在明治18年(1885)7月16日開業的宇都宮站,販售的飯糰和小菜組合為最早的駅弁。

  5. 日本的國民美食「拉麵」隨著人文、氣候的不同,在各地發展出各具特色的口味,當中又以作法調味獨特卻又擁有共同特徵的福岡豚骨拉麵最為有人氣。在經過長時間萃取豬骨精華的乳白色湯頭中,加上可調整軟硬度的細麵是博多(豚骨)拉麵的主要特徵。豚骨拉麵的緣起與發展說來也很奇妙,簡單來 ...

  6. 北海道廣袤的大地物產豐盛,這裡種植的農作物汲取了豐厚的養分,而選材於當地的和菓子也就有一番其它地區無法比擬的風味。如今和菓子人氣老店一如既往的再為大家呈現美味的點心,也加了不少取自100%北海道原料,結合包裝設計因應潮流的特色食感伴手禮,接下來就為大家介紹5家你一定聽過 ...

  7. 2017年12月11日 · Even if you don't know your samurai from your shinkansen, you likely know about Mount Fuji, the stunning symbol of Japan. At 3,776 meters (12,389 ft), this active volcano is the tallest mountain in the nation and has been immortalized in artwork and poetry since antiquity. Throughout the prefectures around Tokyo, you can easily find Mount-Fuji ...