雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2017年1月4日 · This can also help integrate specific driver profiles for car technology, including automatic adjustment of seat, wheel and mirror levels. Internet Connectivity Display screens are quickly replacing the knobs and dials of old, meaning that the way we view information and control our car is becoming as digitised as our phones are.

  2. 2021年5月28日 · SHP (self healing polymers) is a new emerging car care technology that combines coating and the self-healing properties of PPF. SHP is in liquid form and is applied to the car's surface by hand, similar to coating. After application, SHP is approximately 15 times thicker than coating, measuring about 10-15 micrometers.

  3. 2024年3月21日 · If you’re a new motorcycle driver, choosing the safest motorcycle to drive should be the first thing on your to-do list. In this article, we’ll take you through 5 easy tips for choosing the right motorcycle that will allow you to protect yourself while also saving some money!

  4. 2018年6月20日 · Car insurance cover in Hong Kong is mandatory and governed to have minimum requirements by local laws. However, those basic coverage standards only legislate for coverage to third parties. When it comes to anything and everything else, you’ll need to be aware of what is and isn’t included in your own particular car insurance policy.

  5. relay.kwiksure.com › tc › introduction-tc大事憶述

    回顧四十餘載, 往 事紛, 擇要概述於下, 亦窺任重道遠. 六十至七十年代, 香港政府多次立例將塑膠列入普通危險品予以管制. 本會迅即聯同二友會聘請律師交涉, 力法例對新興塑膠工業之沉重打擊; 同時力請消防事務處指導訂立<塑膠業安全實務守則>, 並由三商會聯合成立<塑膠業防火自律委員會>.

  6. 2013年10月30日 · As of September 2012, there were over 645,000 cars registered to travel across the 2,090 kilometers of roads; giving Hong Kong one of the most heavily used road networks in the world. Road safety has been established as a 2013 priority by the Hong Kong Police ...

  7. relay.kwiksure.com › en › introduction-enIntroduction

    港九塑膠製造商聯合會 Development The manufacturers of this association include the manufacturing of toys, electrical appliances, and household products. In the 1960s and 1970s, Hong Kong's plastics industry successfully explored overseas markets and ...

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