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  1. 奈良美食中的老舗料亭「菊水 」 「菊水 (KIKUSUIRO)」有120年的歷史,是奈良非常知名的百年老店,館內建築有部分是來自於興福寺等知名古蹟的建材,獨特的設計堪稱建築美學。這裡一共經營了高級料亭、和食餐廳與洋食菊水三種體系,並且也包辦婚 ...

  2. 惠比壽花園廣場內融合商場、展覽館、電影院、東京都寫真美術館等設施,還匯集了咖啡店、餐廳,假日更不定時舉行有市集,旅人在此晃上一天也不足以為奇。. 其中特別推薦位於38的免費展望台「sky lounge」,不僅可眺望東京鐵塔與新宿高樓,天氣好時還能 ...

  3. 2018年3月15日 · And it’s given Japan an image of ultra-minimalism where people live a simple lifestyle, free of all the material possessions that have plagued Western homes. This is far from the truth and anyone who has visited an ordinary Japanese home (not one of those modernist homes featured in all the architecture blogs) knows it.

  4. 2020年9月7日 · After climbing the final staircase, you will find the lying Buddha, which measures a majestic 41 meters in length, with a height of 11 meters. Gifted to Japan by Myanmar in 1995, this statue captures the Buddha's transition to Nirvana, a process which holds incredible significance in Buddhism. Be sure to touch its massive pair of feet or grab ...

  5. 2016年8月8日 · With that in mind, let’s take a look at 10 scary superstitions and taboos in Japan! 10. Don’t Step on the Border of a Tatami Mat. Stepping on the cloth border of a tatami mat may bring bad luck. Made of woven straw, tatami mats are very common in Japanese homes, and some contain family emblems on the borders, so stepping on them with your ...

  6. 2017年11月2日 · Stone lanterns found outside temples are known as ishi-doro (石灯籠, literally, "stone toro "), while hanging lanterns are tsuri-doro (吊り 灯籠, hanging toro ). Since this is a general term for a lantern, it's often applied to lantern festivals that don't specifically feature chochin paper lanterns. 8. Tado Taisha Chochin Matsuri (Mie)

  7. 2017年5月17日 · Kakunodate, located in central Akita Prefecture, first flourished as a castle town, or jokamachi. Construction began in 1620 under Ashina Yoshikatsu, whose design for the town featured a specially designated living area set aside for the samurai warrior caste. When the Yoshikatsu line died out in 1656, the area was given to Yoshichika of the ...

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