雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 招聘] 知名瑞士品牌咖啡機及咖啡粉囊 Coffee Specialist 產品推廣 / 銷售員 * 全職 HK$15-20K+ / 兼職 HK$65+ / 短期職位 ... SENIOR BARISTA / BARISTA 5月份 - 星期一至星期日全職資深咖啡師/ 咖啡師(月薪可達HK$18,000 - HK$20,000 視乎經驗及職位) (銅鑼 ...

  2. 6 天前 · 幸福企業徵人「咖啡師工作」咖啡師、吧檯咖啡師咖啡師 吧檯手、咖啡師吧台人員、吧台領袖咖啡師等熱門工作急徵。1111人力銀行網羅眾多知名企業職缺,求職者找工作可依照想要的工作地區、職務、產業,推薦您精準適合的職缺。想找更多的咖啡師相關職缺工作,就快上1111人力銀行搜尋。

  3. 保持店舖衛生清潔. Apply Method 申請方法. Hong Kong Application 香港區申請. 1. Click 點擊. 2. Submit your application to any of our Hong Kong Starbucks stores. 親臨任何香港星巴克分店遞交職位申請表。. Macau Application 澳門區申請.

  4. Mc Cafe請人,招聘兼職咖啡師,人工$55-65/小時,於九龍塘區工作;每星期 1-4 日,每天 6-10 小時,立即開始於Moovup好工速遞申請 ...

  5. 尋找香港超過3185份元朗區的職位空缺,求職者可即時申請正在招聘的心水筍工,更可建立你的網上電子履歷表及求職喜好,方便職位配對及接收最新請人職缺通知。搵工網、搵工app同時適用,立即開始於Moovup 好工速遞搵工。

  6. 僱主資料 Since 2016, NODI Coffee has been one of the most established in Hong Kong coffee industry. NODI originally located in central business district, such as Landmark Chater and IFC, we now expand to family-oriented locations, such as Kerry Hotel and ...

  7. 僱主資料 Since 2016, NODI Coffee has been one of the most established in Hong Kong coffee industry. NODI originally located in central business district, such as Landmark Chater and IFC, we now expand to family-oriented locations, such as Kerry Hotel and ...

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