雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 如果你是一位賽馬迷,你一定想知道不同跑道的標準時間和紀錄時間,以便分析馬匹的表現和競爭力。香港賽馬會的網站提供了詳細的跑道資料,包括草地、沙地和全天候跑道的各種距離和條件的標準時間和紀錄時間,以及紀錄時間的馬匹、騎師和練馬師的名字和日期。你可以在這裡查看所有的跑道 ...

  2. At the Hong Kong Jockey Club, we pride ourselves on a recruitment process that is transparent and fair. We strongly encourage all potential candidates to seek job opportunities solely through our official channels. We urge you to be alert to fraudulent activities that may ask for application fees or offer unusually high salaries.

  3. www.hkjc.com › english › pressreleaseMCS - 香港賽馬會

    2023年7月11日 · The Hong Kong Jockey Club is a long-term supporter of football development, which can have a positive impact on society. Launched in 2017, the Summit is a collaboration between the Club, Manchester United and the Football Association of Hong Kong, China. It aims to encourage youth development, combining cultural exchange, creative inspiration ...

  4. Check the box to receive future promotional materials from The Hong Kong Jockey Club. * The personal data collected via this web form (including name and tel. no.) will be passed to the relevant HKJC departments in handling this case ONLY.

  5. About HKJC 私隱條款 香港賽馬會 香港賽馬會慈善信託基金 香港賽馬會公眾騎術學校 沙田馬場波地 香港賽馬會 馬會確保閣下資料私隱的承諾 香港賽馬會及(如適用)其各附屬公司(合稱「馬會」;各自稱「馬會機構」)致力確保其所保存個人資料的機密及 ...

  6. www.hkjc.com › chinese › pressreleaseMCS - 香港賽馬會

    2024年4月5日 · 電視及電台將轉播有關海外賽事,顧客亦可分別於各場賽事跑畢一小時後,於馬會網站 www.racing.hkjc.com 重溫各場賽事的精彩過程。. 轉播詳情如下:. 顧客透過現金投注海外賽事,必須在彩票上註明投注「S3」賽事,以及在有關場次上劃線;使用 數碼平台**,必須 ...

  7. At the Hong Kong Jockey Club, we pride ourselves on a recruitment process that is transparent and fair. We strongly encourage all potential candidates to seek job opportunities solely through our official channels. We urge you to be alert to fraudulent activities that may ask for application fees or offer unusually high salaries.