雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2017年1月1日 · This traditional Japanese-style inn sits in the middle of Shima Onsen, a town with more than 40 different hot spring sources. The town’s name (四万温泉) even means “The 40,000 Hot Spring,” since it was once believed that bathing in the local waters could cure 40,000 different diseases. The Shima hot spring area is said to be the first ...

    • 40 秒
  2. 2020年2月13日 · Kanda Myojin is one of Tokyo’s oldest and most powerful shrines. Anime fans have many good reasons to visit. Getting a stamp of a character from the anime movie Love Live! for example. Love Live! is the story of 9 girls that start an idol group to save their school from closing. One of them has a part-time job Kanda Myojin!

  3. 2021年5月19日 · 通往平泉寺白山神社的参道,长约1km,道路了两旁树龄超过1000年的杉树立,那种自然带来的庄严和壮观,是这里闻名日本的一大原因。而到了梅雨季节,青苔遍地疯长,神社附近被青苔的绿色覆盖,又呈现出一种宗教与自然天然融合在一起的神奇景象。

  4. 2017年11月2日 · Japan's first four World Heritage Sites were registered in 1993: Horyu-ji Temple, Himeji Castle, the island of Yakushima and the northern biosphere of Shirakami-Sanchi. As of 2016, Japan is home to 16 World Cultural Heritage Sites and four World Natural Heritage Sites. You can see all 20 outlined below!

  5. 2019年11月1日 · 代代木公园榉树林荫大道:. ・JR山手线「原宿」站步行10分钟,「涉谷」站步行约15分钟. ・东京地铁千代田线「代代木公园」站步行约11分钟. ・小田急线「代代木八幡」站步行约13分钟. 说到东京买买买好去处,首先想到的一定是无数大牌奢侈品云集的银座或者 ...

  6. 2019年1月23日 · Onitsuka Tiger is a shoe brand launched by Kihachiro Onitsuka, the founder of Onitsuka Corporation, who in 1950 became known for developing basketball shoes for athletes, a technically challenging feat at that time. Onitsuka continued to develop pro-level footwear for various sports, and his creations could be seen on athletes across the world ...

  7. 2016年7月19日 · Fittingly, it is also the location of Nicker, the paint brand used by many leading manga and anime artists, including Hayao Miyazaki, the genius behind such beloved films as My Neighbor Totoro and Spirited Away. Ichiro Tsumakura is the current president of the company, which was founded in 1950. In his office decorated with paintings by artists ...