雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 若您不清楚您的計劃屬於一般保險還是人壽保險,最快的方法是在 FWD eServices 流動程式上輕鬆查閱,或可以瀏覽客戶服務專屬網頁,亦可以致電 3123 3123 與我們聯絡。

  2. 甲部 - 由被保人或索償人填寫. For any query while completing this form, please refer to the Completion Guideline or your adviser/intermediary. 填寫時若有疑問,請翻閱填寫指引或與閣下之理財顧問/中介人聯絡。. Policy No. 保單號碼. Type of Claim Hospitalization Claim Accident Claim賠償類別 住院賠償 ...

  3. It’s always a good idea to first check that your policy covers your claim. The quickest and easiest way to do this is via FWD eServices, our customer app. Or feel free to give us a call on 3123 3344. Send us your claim within 90 days Please fill out and submit the

  4. Claim Form. Please complete and return this form with the supporting documents (see “Claims Document Checklist” on page 2) to FWD Life Assurance Company (Hong Kong) Limited / FWD Life (Hong Kong) Limited (wherever applicable) ("FWD Assurance") at P.O. Box 69465, Kwun Tong Post Office, Kowloon, Hong Kong.

  5. You may call our Service Hotline for a Claim Form or download the relevant forms from our Company website. Simply mail the completed form with required documents to our Claims Department for assessment.

  6. 我們提供下列索償指引,讓您輕鬆掌握所需資料,將索償手續化繁為簡。. 索償人必須於接受治療或在事故發生後 30 至 90 1 天內以書面向我們提交索償通知書;並須根據索償表格上的指引妥善填寫有關表格,及附上相關之証明文件(請參考 索償所需文件 )。. 富 ...

  7. Online Personal Insurance Claims. Making insurance claims fast and easy. Check your cover. It's always a good idea to first check that your policy covers your claim. You can do this through the FWD eServices app, and you can also check our network of hospitals that offer cashless medical treatment. Download FWD eServices app. Want to make a claim?

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