雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2024年2月23日 · 元宵節期間,孩子們懷著興奮的心情提著燈籠,為節慶增添了豐富多彩的景象。. 『猜燈謎』的英文. 『猜燈謎』的英文可以是 "guessing lantern riddles" 或 "solving lantern riddles"。. During the Lantern Festival, families gather around, enjoying the tradition of guessing lantern riddles, which adds ...

  2. Statues of mother and daughter celebrating the Lantern Festival. Xi'an The Lantern Festival (traditional Chinese: 元宵節; simplified Chinese: 元宵节; pinyin: Yuánxiāo jié), also called Shangyuan Festival (traditional Chinese: 上元節; simplified Chinese: 上元节; pinyin: Shàngyuán jié) and Cap Go Meh (Chinese: 十五暝; Pe h-ōe-jī: Cha p-gō -mê), is a Chinese traditional ...

  3. 波羅說故事-元宵節The Lantern Festival 波羅說故事 Story During the 簡介 Introduction 元宵節是來源自中國的傳統節日,歷史悠久又對華人有舉足輕重的影響力,除了是農曆年後的第一個月圓(農曆一月十五,亦稱正月十五),也是春節之後的第一個重要節日,祝賀著一年有新的氣象,並迎接春天的到來。

  4. 2020年1月24日 · 元宵節 英文 應該怎麼說呢?. 「元宵節」的英文叫做 Lantern Festival。. 在元宵節的時候,會有很多活動,比方說放天燈、舞龍舞獅、吃元宵….等等。. 這些元宵節(The Lantern Festival )的相關英文單字跟例句,都很常用,要趕快學起來喔。. 下面整理了「 元宵節 ...

  5. 2021年2月25日 · 3. 吃元宵 (湯圓) Eating Yuanxiao (Tangyuan) Yuanxiao is a novel food that was popular in the Song Dynasty and was eaten during the Lantern Festival. Yuanxiao is a glutinous rice dumpling ball stuffed with different fillings and is also called tangyuan since it is round in shape. 流行於宋朝民間的一種元宵節吃的新奇食品 ...

  6. 元宵节. [Yuánxiāo Jié] 名. the Lantern Festival. [Yuánxiāo Jié] The Lantern Festival is celebrated on the 15th day of the Lunar Chinese New Year. The traditional food which is eaten at this festival is called 元宵 [yuánxiāo] or 汤圆 [tāngyuán], a traditional sweet dumpling made of glutinous rice, with various sweet fillings.

  7. 元宵節英文翻譯是 lantern festival(聽發音),因為元宵節的傳統習俗就是提燈籠,所以外國人就用燈籠英文單字 lantern 加上節日英文 festival 兒成為元宵節英文翻譯,是不是很有趣呢? 元宵節是臺灣傳統的農曆新年最後一天,也稱為小過年,在元宵節這天,一般人都要吃湯圓,吃了湯圓就又長一歲囉!

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