雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2016年5月12日 · 「呃蝦條」是粵語「呃西屌」之諧音,當中「呃」,有哄騙及欺騙的意思,「西」是女性性器官的諧音,所以 「呃蝦條」就是形容哄騙青春少女和自己進行性行為。

  2. 2024年2月17日 · 「呃蝦條」是「呃西屌」的諧音,「呃」是指欺騙,「西」是指女性的性器官,「屌」是指性行為,整句的意思是哄騙少女令她與自己進行性行為。

  3. (英文) to deceive a female in order to have sexual intercourse with her; a near homophone of " 閪 屌 " (ngaak1 hai1 diu2); literally: to deceive prawn crackers

  4. 呃蝦條」是粵語「呃西屌」之諧音,當中「呃」有哄騙及欺騙的意思,而「呃蝦條」主要是用來形容哄騙青春少女的行為。 香港討論區:呃蝦條點解? (認真請教=p) Yahoo!知識+:online術語

  5. 粤语呃虾条是谐音,指「以欺骗手段获得对方首肯进行性行为」。 引申理解为,以欺骗手段获得利益。 粤语中“呃”发音为“ngak1”,是指欺骗的意思。

  6. 蝦條The metaphorical meaning is a male want to deceive a female having sex.....的定义

  7. 呃蝦條的意思The metaphorical meaning is a male want to deceive a female having sex......

  8. to deceive; to cheat or deceive; to scam. 蝦 shrimp; to bully; prawn. 條 (measure); order; item. Part of Speech:. verb. Labels:. Recent Jargon Vulgar. Explanation:. to deceive a female in order to have sexual intercourse with her; a near homophone of "呃 閪 屌 " (ngaak1 hai1 diu2); literally: to deceive prawn crackers.

  9. Pun on the near homophonous vulgar phrase 閪 屌 ( ngaak1 hai1 diu2, “to fool a girl into having sex with one”, literally “to swindle a vulva in order to fuck it”).