雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 正選
    賽季 202321
    超級聯賽11:30 上午 EDT
    8月 18日vs曼城
    超級聯賽10:00 上午 EDT
    8月 24日@狼隊
  2. Suitability assessment. A person residing in Hong Kong who intends to adopt an infant, other than a person who is (i) a parent or relative of the infant or (ii) married to a parent of the infant, must fill in a form specified by the Director of the Social Welfare Department (DSW) and submit it, in the case of local adoption, to DSW or an ...

  3. B. 強制售賣的程序. 《土地(為重新發展而強制售賣)條例》 第545章. 在本港有售的報章刊登通告,中、英文報章最少各一份。. 大業主已採取合理步驟,以獲取該地段的所有不分割份數。. 若已知小業主的下落,合理步驟包括以公平及合理的條件商議購買小業主 ...

  4. A. 管有危險藥物. 根據 第134章《危險藥物條例》 第8條 , 管有危險藥物是刑事罪行。. 當一個人管有危險藥物、或者他 / 她曾經吸食、吸服、服食或注射危險藥物,都是干犯了這項罪行。. 控方必須證明這個人知道他 / 她所管有的是危險藥物。. 「管有」的定義 ...

  5. 接受要約(亦可稱為承約). 如對方仍未接受有關要約,合約並未訂立。. 要斷定「接受」是否有效,有兩項原則需要注意:. 提出要約的一方收到對方通知接受有關要約時,該『接受」才有效﹔及. 接受要約的一方(承約方) 必須同意要約內之全部條款。. 就 ...

    • Consumer Council
    • Customs and Excise Department
    • Communications Authority
    • Travel Industry Council of Hong Kong
    • Food and Environmental Hygiene Department
    • The Insurance Claims Complaints Bureau
    • Small Claims Tribunal
    • District Court Or High Court
    • Financial Assistance For Consumer Legal Actions

    You can contact the Consumer Councilto seek advice or to make a complaint ( telephone hotline: 29292222 ). The Consumer Council is a body corporate subsidized by Government funding. Details of its power, roles and function can be found under the Consumer Council Ordinance ( Cap. 216of the Laws of Hong Kong). The functions of the Council are stipula...

    For problems concerning “trade descriptions” or “safety of goods”, you can also complain to the Customs and Excise Department directly (general enquiry hotline- 28157711; complaint hotline – 81003553). The Department will entertain complaints concerning: 1. short weights and measures; 2. overstating the fineness of gold and platinum; 3. unsafe toys...

    For problems concerning trade practices in relation to telecommunications and broadcasting, you can complain to Communications Authoritydirectly.

    The Travel Industry Council (“TIC”) is entrusted with the responsibility to regulate outbound and inbound travel agents under the Travel Agents Ordinance ( Cap. 218of the Laws of Hong Kong). Its mission is to maintain a high standard of professionalism within the industry and to protect the interests of both the traders and travellers. The TIC prov...

    The mission of Food and Environmental Hygiene Department(“FEHD”) is to work hand in hand with the community in building Hong Kong into a world-class metropolis renowned for its food safety and public hygiene. Contact details: 1. address: 44/F Queensway Government Offices, 66 Queensway, Hong Kong; 2. fax: 2869 0169; 3. 24-hour enquiry and complaint ...

    The Insurance Claims Complaints Bureau (“ICCB”) is a self-regulatory initiative implemented by the insurance industry to protect consumer interest. One of the main objectives of ICCB is to receive referrals for complaints relating to claims arising out of personal insurance policies and to facilitate the settlement or withdrawal of such complaints,...

    If you do decide to go to court, there is a special way of suing for small amounts by using the small claims procedures in the Small Claims Tribunal. No person can be represented by a lawyer in the Small Claims Tribunal (but you can consult a lawyer before attending the Tribunal’s hearing). The most you can claim by using the small claims procedure...

    If the amount of your claim is over $75,000, you must submit your claim to the District Court or the High Court. The maximum claim that can be handled by the District Court is $3,000,000. While for the High Court, there is no upper limit on the claim amount. Since the claim amount is bigger and the procedures involved are much more complex, you are...

    Consumer Legal Action Fund The Consumer Council also runs a Consumer Legal Action Fund (“the Fund”), which will assist consumers to pursue their matters in courts. You can apply for legal assistance under the Fund if you are a consumer or a group of consumers involved in a matter which: (a) relates to consumer transactions, such as: 1. unmerchantab...

  6. 強制驗樓計劃. 毫無疑問,欠缺妥善維修保養的樓宇,會對市民大眾構成威脅。 為了處理這個問題,香港政府在2012年推出了強制驗樓計劃。 根據強制驗樓計劃: 政府會在每年揀選2,000幢樓齡達30年或以上的私人樓宇(不高於三層的住用樓宇除外),向業主發出預先知會函件,確認有關大廈已被納入強制驗樓計劃內。 6個月後,政府會向該等樓宇的業主發出法定通知,規定業主委任一名註冊檢驗人員進行某些指定的檢驗。 (注意:該2,000幢樓宇會在同一時間收到強制驗窗計畫下的法定通知書,要求進行有關窗戶的檢驗。 對於沒有業主立案法團的樓宇來說,所有單位的業主應通力合作,以完成法定通知內要求的驗樓工作。 檢驗的範圍包括外部構件、實體構件、結構構件、消防安全構件、排水系統及僭建物。

  7. 已婚人士享有的福利與權益. A. 已婚人士免稅額. 納稅人在任何一個課稅年度內結婚,只要: 他/她並非與配偶分開居住;或與配偶分開居住,但有供養或經濟上支持對方;及. 配偶沒有任何應課薪俸稅入息, 不論其配偶是否香港居民,亦不論他/她及配偶選擇了合併評稅或個人入息課稅,他/她仍可在該課稅年度申索已婚人士免稅額。 《稅務條例》 下,「婚姻」是指由男性與女性建立的異性婚姻關係。 根據 《稅務條例》 第2條 ,「配偶」的定義是指丈夫或妻子;而「丈夫」是指已婚男性,「妻子」則指已婚女性。 B. 供養父母及供養祖父母或外祖父母免稅額. 納稅人在香港可就每名受供養的父母/祖父母/外祖父母享有免稅額。 如該納稅人與配偶同住,他/她亦可就其配偶的受供養父母/祖父母/外祖父母享有免稅額。