雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 正選
    賽季 202315
    義大利足球甲級聯賽12:30 下午 EDT
    8月 17日@帕爾馬
    義大利足球甲級聯賽12:30 下午 EDT
    8月 25日vsVenezia
  2. A. 我是否需要律師?. 向法庭提交離婚呈請書或共同申請書便會啟動法律程序,因此,事先尋求法律意見將會較為穩妥。. 在下列情況下,閣下尤其需要代表律師:. 閣下的配偶不同意離婚;. 閣下與配偶無法就子女或財務事項達成協議。. 香港律師會每年均會出版 ...

  3. A. 法庭會如何處理或分配夫婦在離婚後的財產?. 下列基本原則需要留意:. 1. 財產的擁有權. 銀行戶口款項的擁有權和有關款項之使用可能會引起糾紛。. 如銀行戶口是以夫婦其中一方的個人名義擁有,表面證據上此戶口內的任何款項均屬於此人,除非有相反 ...

  4. 其他人也問了

    • A. Estate Provision
    • B. Protection from Violence in Cohabitation
    • C. Parental Rights
    • D. Upon Separation

    According to the Intestate Estate Ordinance (IEO), Cap. 73 , if a person has not married his/her cohabiting partner, and his/her cohabiting partner dies intestate (without a will), he/she cannot share in the estate of his/her cohabiting partner( section 4 ). According to section 2 of the IEO, “intestate” also includes a person who leaves a will but...

    Hong Kong laws seek to protect cohabitants from violence in their relationships. The Domestic and Cohabitation Relationships Violence Ordinance ( Cap. 189 ) allows victims of violence, whether in marriage or cohabitation relationships, to seek legal remedies and apply for court injunctions. For example, a person may apply for a restraining order to...

    Where unmarried cohabitants have children, the mother has all the rights and authority regarding the child’s custody and upbringing, while the natural father does not have automatic parental rights. To enjoy parental rights, the natural father must make an application for a Court Order under ( Section 3(1)(c) of the Guardianship of Minors Ordinance...

    In the event of a breakdsown in their relationship, cohabitants do not enjoy any legal rights. In particular, the law does not provide unmarried separated couples the same rights that are enjoyed by divorced couples following the breakdown of their marriage.

  5. Suitability assessment. A person residing in Hong Kong who intends to adopt an infant, other than a person who is (i) a parent or relative of the infant or (ii) married to a parent of the infant, must fill in a form specified by the Director of the Social Welfare Department (DSW) and submit it, in the case of local adoption, to DSW or an ...

  6. Section 5AA or 27A (2) of the Adoption Ordinance (as the case may be), has been complied with and, taking into account the information obtained by the DSW from the Commissioner of Police, the applicant is a fit and proper person to be granted the adoption order.

  7. 納稅人在任何一個課稅年度內結婚,只要:. 他/她並非與配偶分開居住;或與配偶分開居住,但有供養或經濟上支持對方;及. 配偶沒有任何應課薪俸稅入息,. 不論其配偶是否香港居民,亦不論他/她及配偶選擇了合併評稅或個人入息課稅,他/她仍可在該 ...

  8. 香港認可的婚姻關係. 香港法例認可以下幾種婚姻關係。 A. 註冊婚姻. 自1971年10月7日起,香港居民只可按照 《婚姻條例》 結為合法夫婦。 註冊婚姻是指一男一女自願終身結合,不容他人介入,而結婚儀式則必須在香港的婚姻註冊處或特許的禮拜場所舉行。 此外, 《婚姻條例》 第21 (3A)條 訂明,由婚姻監禮人主持的婚禮可於香港任何地方舉行,但登記官辦事處及特許的禮拜場所除外。 B. 海外註冊婚姻. 於海外註冊的婚姻,只要按照當地的有效法律進行,一般亦可獲香港承認為有效婚姻,與身處本港註冊無異。 如婚禮在海外舉行,而註冊亦在當地進行,該段婚姻將不受香港法例管轄。 但是,如雙方決定在香港離婚,仍可按照香港相關的離婚法例在港辦理手續。 C. 中國舊式婚姻與新式婚姻.