雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2023年10月25日 · CE's speech in delivering "The Chief Executive's 2023 Policy Address" to LegCo (2) III. Uphold the Principle of "One Country, Two Systems" and Safeguard National Security. 17. As highlighted in the report to the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the principle of "One Country, Two Systems" is the best institutional ...

  2. 2023年3月28日 · 徐浩光博士於一九九三年三月加入政府,任職環境保護主任,並於二 一八年六月晉升為環境保護署助理署長,再於二 二一年五月晉升為環境保護署副署長。 完. 2023年3月28日(星期二) 香港時間16時00分. 即日新聞. 政府今日(三月二十八日)宣布,環境保護署副署長徐浩光博士將於二 二三年三月二十九日出任環境保護署署長。 公務員事務局局長楊何蓓茵說:「徐博士工作表現卓越,具備深厚...

  3. 2022年6月19日 · In addition, Mr Lee announced the appointment of Ms Carol Yip as the Director of the Chief Executive's Office of the Sixth-term of the HKSAR Government. Following are the biographical notes on the appointed officials: Mr Chan Kwok-ki. ------------------- Aged 63. Mr Chan has been Director of the Chief Executive's Office since 2017.

  4. 2023年7月1日 · Following is the translation of the speech by the Chief Executive, Mr John Lee, at the reception in celebration of the 26th anniversary of the establishment of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre this

  5. 2023年10月25日 · CE's speech in delivering "The Chief Executive's 2023 Policy Address" to LegCo (5) 78. The Northern Metropolis is a new engine for Hong Kong's future growth. Upon full development, it will provide about 500 000 new housing units and create 500 000 new jobs. Adopting an "industry-driven and infrastructure-led" approach as its key planning axle ...

  6. 政府今日(四月三十日)宣布委任香港機場管理局(機管局)主席及三名新成員,並再度委任兩名現任成員,任期三年,由二 二四年六月一日起生效。 林天福獲委任為機管局主席,三名新委任的成員為陳阮德徽博士、龔楊恩慈和姚柏良,兩名獲再度委任的成員為趙式明和唐嘉鴻。 蘇澤光自二 一五年六月起出任機管局主席。 運輸及物流局局長林世雄衷心感謝蘇澤光過去九年在領導機管局方面的貢獻,並對他的全心全力付出表示讚許。 在蘇澤光的領導下,香港國際機場多年來業務穩步向上,並走過許多重要的里程碑。 蘇澤光特別在規劃及建設三跑道系統、發展「機場城市」、拓展多式聯運網絡及提升空運服務等主要範疇中擔當關鍵的角色。 在他的任期內,香港國際機場屢獲殊榮,無論在客運或貨運方面均位處世界前列。

  7. 2023年5月1日 · Officers of the Information System Wing of the Hong Kong Police Force participated in the 48th International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva in Switzerland from April 26 to 30 and garnered three Gold Medals with the Congratulations of Jury. This is the Force’s first ...