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  2. 2017年12月28日 · Mark Hamill has surely seen a lot of unique Star Wars tributes in his day, but this one had a little extra history to it: an animated ukiyo-e short produced by Atsuki Segawa. Star Wars Ukiyo-e was presented to stars Mark Hamill and Adam Driver, as well as director Rian Johnson and Lucasfilm President Kathleen Kennedy, at the December 7, 2017 Tokyo press conference for Star Wars: The Last Jedi.

  3. 2019年6月17日 · Weird Japan. Eerily Awesome Post-Apocalyptic Art of Tokyo. Spoon & Tamago Updated June 18, 2019. Art Tokyo Kanto. www.spoon-tamago.com. Stories about the collapse of civilization and order seem to seduce us. As terrifying as the real thing would surely be, we love imagining our world destroyed.

  4. 其他人也問了

  5. 2019年4月24日 · A Japanese illustrator that goes by the name Takumi has created some awesome ukiyo-e art of the Avengers to celebrate the release of the latest film in the hit Marvel franchise.

  6. 2015年11月30日 · 米其林餐厅我来了(入门篇). 大家都知道,大名鼎鼎的米其林是一家法国著名轮胎生产商,同时也以旅游指南及米其林餐厅评分而誉满全球的重要生活指标。. 这两者看似毫无关联,但其实又紧密相关。. 那么今天就让我们来简单了解下米其林旅游指南和米其林 ...

  7. 2017年7月25日 · The special slice of katana history will be on display until October 15, 2017. For more information including the location of Tokyo National Museum, click on the full story from RocketNews24 below! The legendary crescent moon katana, one of Japan's Five Swords Under Heaven, is now on display and is a hit with history buffs and video gamers alike.

  8. 2016年2月13日 · Ukiyo-e Paintings Get a Modern-Day Makeover. The artist Sanjushichi Segawa has brought ukiyo-e drawings to life in a promotional campaign by IT company, NEC for their line of LaVie computers. Although animated versions exist, the paintings look just as remarkable as stills.

  9. 2023年7月27日 · 夜幕降临的东京,华灯初上,温柔的晚风轻拂在脸庞――这样的夜晚,正适合乘上观光船,去体验穿越古江户与新东京的浪漫之旅。“东京都观光汽船”,是东京人亲近水上的第一首选。最大艘的“龙马号”可容纳560人,“TOKYO CRUISE”提供了元旦日出、赏樱花船、焰火大会、圣诞派对等,从与往常不 ...