雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Adoption is a legal process by which parental rights and responsibilities over a child are transferred from the birth parents to the adoptive parents. An adoption in Hong Kong must be effected in accordance with the Adoption Ordinance , Cap. 290 , Laws of Hong Kong.

  2. Adoption is a legal process by which parental rights and responsibilities over a child are transferred from the birth parents to the adoptive parents. An adoption in Hong Kong must be effected in accordance with the Adoption Ordinance , Cap. 290 , Laws of Hong Kong.

  3. 《兒童權利公約》在世界上大部分國家具有效力,亦是史上最廣為認可的條約,為保護兒童建立國際化的制度,提供法律框架。 除非個別締約國或國家法律界定成年年齡低於18歲,否則根據《公約》,「兒童」便是指未滿18歲人士。 《公約》的序言表明:「……聯合國在《世界人權宣言》(由聯合國大會於1948年12月表決通過)宣布和同意:『人人有資格享受這些文書中所載的一切權利和自由,不因種族、膚色、性別、語言、宗教、政治或其他見解、國籍或社會出身、財產、出生或其他身份而有任何區別。 』」序言同時重申,《兒童權利宣言》(由聯合國大會於1959年12月10日表決通過)已確認兒童「因身心尚未成熟,在其出生以前和以後均需要特殊的保護和照料,包括法律上的適當保護」。

  4. 新式婚姻. 另一種稱作新式婚姻,即兩名年滿16歲的未婚男女舉行公開的結婚儀式,並由至少兩名見證人在場見證,而任何一個擁有合理思維的人都會認為他們已透過該儀式結為夫婦。 雙方進行的結婚儀式必須公開,意即任何沒有獲邀的人士均能觀看。 例如舉行儀式的場地沒有關上門,便算符合公開原則。 這種婚姻亦稱作認可婚姻。 上述兩種婚姻(中國舊式婚姻及新式婚姻)的締結雙方可到婚姻登記處補辦登記手續;即是說,雙方即使已經完婚,仍可到婚姻登記處登記該段婚姻。 為舊式或認可婚姻辦理登記手續,該段婚姻便會成為合法婚姻,婚姻亦因而具法律約束力,受法律承認,並可在香港執行。 香港法例 第178章《婚姻制度改革條例》 第7條 及 第8條 列明甚麼婚姻可獲承認為舊式婚姻和認可的新式婚姻, 第9條 則訂明兩種婚姻的登記手續。

  5. Violence against a child is just as much a criminal offence as violence against an adult. The Offences Against the Person Ordinance (“OAPO”), Cap. 212 , contains a number of offences relating to the unlawful use of force. These offenses range from common assault to inflicting grievous bodily harm, and to murder.

  6. Custody of children in matrimonial proceedings. The MCO overns divorce whilst the MPPO deals with ancillary and other relief in matrimonial proceedings. Section 19 of MPPO states that the court may make such order as it thinks fit for the custody and education of a child in matrimonial proceedings such as divorce.

  7. Aiming a punch at someone is an assault, even if the punch does not land upon that person. The punch brings about the apprehension of the immediate application of unlawful force. It is an act of hostility without any lawful justification. If the punch lands upon the intended victim, that is, in law, a battery.

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