雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 其他比賽

    Euro 2016 Qualifiers終場
    3月 21日vs盧森堡
    2 - 0
    Euro 2016 Qualifiers終場
    3月 26日vs希臘
    0(4) - 0(2)
    European Championship Finals9:00 上午 EDT
    6月 22日vsCzechia
    A 組GPWDLPts
  2. 2023年3月16日 · This 48,000-capacity venue is home to two J-League soccer teams: FC Tokyo and Tokyo Verdy. Fuchunomori Park is a family-oriented park, with various sports facilities, and gardens and forested areas to explore.

  3. GO TOKYO, The Official Website. Find out what to do and eat, where to go and stay and more at GO TOKYO. Explore hidden gems even many locals don't know. Dig deeper the charm of Tokyo. 打開五感的體驗行程,創作出獨一無二的東京紀念品ーー東京新型態

  4. 若州海濱公園若州高爾夫球場. 東京都江東區若州3-1-2. Updated: October 6, 2023. 這座18洞的高爾夫球場環繞於大海與高樓大廈之間,可享受開闊景緻。. 不論經驗豐富者或初學者,皆可在這片略微傾斜的果嶺上,體會此項運動的深奧樂趣。. 採事先預約制。. 查詢地圖 ...

  5. 2023年10月6日 · The Japan National Stadium, designed by Japanese architect Kengo Kuma and his team, served as the main stadium for the Olympic and Paralympic Games Tokyo 2020.

  6. Tokyo offers plenty of options for sporting enthusiasts—from baseball, Japan's beloved and most popular sport, to traditional sports such as sumo wrestling and karate. Watch an event and cheer for your favorite athlete or team, or try your hand at a sport.

  7. 2022年3月22日 · The park’s crown jewel, a 20,000-person capacity stadium, hosts soccer and American football matches. Tips Come on weekends to see amateur and semi-professional sports at the stadium

  8. 2024年1月9日 · 森大廈數字藝術美術館:EPSON teamLab無界在短短一年內,就吸引了來自全球160多個國家及地區約230萬人的來訪,是近年東京最受歡迎的娛樂設施。這座打破紀錄的數位藝術美術館,將從台場遷移至麻布台Hills,位置在六本木與虎之門Hills之間,相當靠近象徵東京的東京鐵塔,預計於2024年2月9日開幕 ...