雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2 天前 · Since then, it has developed into one of the most exciting youth arts festivals in Hong Kong. The event moved to Victoria Park in 2008 and was reintroduced as Standard Chartered Arts in the Park. In 2012, the Grand Finale Parade expanded onto the streets of Causeway Bay and in 2013, the very first illuminated Night Parade offered an enchanting new experience.

  2. 2 天前 · 快捷櫃位輪候服務. 請攜帶電子郵件的電子格式或打印格式, 於分行入口的服務分流站按下”電子輪候票”的按鈕, 然後掃描QR驗證碼以拿取快捷輪候票. 感謝您使用渣打銀行 (香港)有限公司的服務。. In Hong Kong, Standard Chartered operates as a licensed bank under the name of ...

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