雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. The sustainability of humanitarian networks has implications for the long-term resilience at organizational, community, and societal levels. Based on my research in the past 6 years that studied various forms of sustainable humanitarian networks following different types of natural and technological disasters, this talk will first explain the ...

  2. HKJCDPRI is based at the HKAM, and partners with CCOUC, HKU and Harvard. We focus on the need for competencies on knowledge, skills as well as attitude to reduce disaster loss and suffering. Join us in our training and exchange activities to build a community of practice in disaster preparedness and response.

  3. Resilience is what helps cities adapt and transform in the face of these challenges and many more, helping them to prepare for both the expected and the unexpected. 100RC defines urban resilience as “the capacity of individuals, communities, institutions, businesses, and systems within a city to survive, adapt, and grow no matter what kinds ...

  4. 近年,正念對身心健康嘅重要性獲得廣泛關注,大量科學研究證實正念能帶來以下益處︰幫助調節情緒、提升認知功能 (如: 專注力、記憶力、決斷力) 以及人際關係的滿意度。 跟防災有甚麼關係? 應對危機時,我們需要有冷靜的情緒、令自己更有警覺性同決斷力。 面對近日社會危機,我們更需要正面的情緒讓自己臨危不亂,我們如何可以利用正念來幫忙自己呢? 正念怎樣幫助我們在計劃防災應變時帶來正面的影響呢? 在這題目上,教研中心的總監Eva (林楚釗) 邀請了臨床心理學家兼 呼吸微笑身心正念中心主任 Jenny (陳燕妮) 跟大家分享如何在社會危機時修習同應用正念,以提昇自己喺危急時的決斷同應變能力。 正念在社會危機時 - 上集: 如何用正念幫助自己. 上集: 正念在社會危機時--- 如何用正念幫助自己.

  5. 最新動態. 14 January, 2019 Monday. 香港聖公會麥理浩夫人中心(鄰舍層面社區發展部) 光板田村社區防災能力建設計劃. 根據政府現行政策,寮屋屬可獲暫准存在的「違例構築物」,因此投放在改善居住環境、安全及衞生情況的資源相對有限。 惡劣環境容易引致傳染病爆發的風險;而防災設施不足,令居民在危急情況下未能適當自救。 教研中心與「 香港聖公會麥理浩夫人中心 」合作,邀請光板田村寮屋居民共同設計和執行防災活動。 其中,村民在計劃的支持下,選舉及組織村內的防火及衞生大使團隊,由他們帶領及推動其他村民,制定及落實光板田村防災預警方案。

  6. Based on my research in the past 6 years that studied various forms of sustainable humanitarian networks following different types of natural and technological disasters, this talk will first explain the importance of understanding humanitarian networks in the context of disaster risk reduction.

  7. HKJCDPRI collaborates with different organisations and schools on “Community Campaign on Disaster Resilience” to deliver public awareness and education campaigns, tailored to the specific potential hazards the community is facing.