雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2017年3月8日 · 在这裡,仅仅2000日币、一个小时,就可以体验COSPLAY。. 不仅有动漫角色的服装,还有和服等等。. 华丽的背景、专业的灯光效果,并且由专业摄影师来拍照。. 一个人也好,一家人也好,可以满足各路人士的需求。. 一次简单的COSPLAY体验,可以留下一生难忘的 ...

  2. 2020年12月11日 · Art director Yuni Yoshida has an ongoing series in Japanese fashion magazine Soen in which she collaborates with different celebrities for an artful spread called “Play a Sensation.” Currently in its 38th iteration, each month, Yoshida turns her creativity to a different Japanese celebrity, rendering them into works of art using mostly analog techniques.

  3. 2017年5月11日 · That’s ZENtertainment! For 2017, Siro-A is returning to Asakusa Rock Yumemachi Theater in Tokyo for That’s ZENtertainment!, a special 30-minute show marrying cutting-edge technology with traditional Japanese culture. Previews run from May 15 to 20 (¥1,200), followed by regular performances starting May 29 (¥1,500).

  4. 行程內容:午餐享用當地葡萄酒及和牛漢堡肉 / 30分鐘葡萄園體驗採收樂吃到飽 / 30分鐘桃子李子自由吃,還可帶走黄金桃・白桃・高級大粒李子各1個 / 向日葵庭園賞花. 所需時間:一天. 所需費用:成人8990日圓 / 小孩8990日圓 / 幼兒5500日圓. 報名網址: http://www.yokoso-japan.jp/tc/KF350.html. https://www.hatobus.com/int/tw/detail/r344/ 富士山是日本的象徵,你也許用過富士杯,也許透過飛機窗看過富士山本人的身影,但就是沒到過富士山。 但你又說你不想爬山呀,沒關係,我們就跟著旅行團搭巴士輕鬆到達山腰感受一下富士山就好。 夏天的富士山依然帶有涼意,正是避暑好去處呢。

  5. 來到倉橋,享受秘境海景與松林神社的美麗;品嘗輕食與牡蠣大餐;沉浸在療癒滿滿的溫泉內,讓身心徹底的滿足,也徹底的放鬆。. 桂浜溫泉館. 地址:廣島縣吳市倉橋町431. 營業時間:10:00~21:00(平日、週六)、9:00~21:00(週日、國定假日);週一公休(如逢 ...

  6. 2017年11月2日 · All About the World Cosplay Summit. Cosplay—short for “costume play”—refers to dressing as characters primarily from manga and anime, with a variety of events held not just in Japan but in countries around the world. The World Cosplay Summit began in 2003, with countries sending the winners of their respective qualifying tournaments to ...

  7. 2016年6月23日 · 4 Rock-Climbing Paradises Right in Tokyo. The large, sprawling city of Tokyo isn’t known for nature. But if you visit the western part of the prefecture, you'll run into Chichibu-Tama-Kai National Park, an excellent getaway for both the avid hiker and the extreme mountain climber! 4. Tsuzura-iwa & Tengu-iwa.