雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. The 10 th commemoration of the 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake is just around the corner.While it is painstaking to commemorate such an agonizing incident, it also serves to remind us of the devastating disaster risks and the importance of preparing for emergencies. ...

  2. 2020年7月30日 · 享受與角色進行互動。. 話劇環繞對災難風險和應變一無所知的小,故事是有關他的母親徐副校長、老師醒目Sir以及同學廷廷和加加對他的啟發,助他認識各種災難,如山火、暴風雪、氣旋、熱浪、地震、海嘯、山洪暴發、火山爆發和風暴潮。. 此外 ...

  3. A 9.0 M earthquake occurred off the northeastern coast of Japan, triggering a large tsunami that rose to a height of over 30 meters, and traveled as far as 10 kilometers inland. The earthquake and tsunami damaged Japan’s oldest nuclear power plant, setting off a chain of events culminating in a nuclear accident.

  4. The HKJCPRI e-learning platform offers you with a wide range of online learning opportunities including E-Learning courses that are developed by us and/or our partners. E-Learning courses require users to register with our Moodle e-learning system which keeps ...

  5. The first three years of the HKJCDPRI establishment project has started a journey of achieving our ultimate goal as fostering Hong Kong as a prepared community to disasters. We built a learning platform for the Hong Kong community and the path has gained its momentum.

  6. 「認為自己不會有危險」原來是大多數人的「正常」反應。 心理學研究顯示,「正常化偏誤」 (Normalcy bias) 指人們在面臨非常態的緊急事件時,由於慣性思維,會選擇視而不見,假裝一切都正常。 例如,當地震發生時,多數人都知道應馬上避難;但由於不知道地震會有多嚴重,故此地震逐漸加大時,還是覺得「應該要停了吧! 我不會有事吧! 」,因而輕忽危險,繼續坐著,最後錯失避難機會。 (圖片來源: capfredf.wordpress) 此外,我們亦發現大部分香港人的準備,多為簡單的一次性預防措施,例如在颱風來臨前張貼膠紙在窗上、或在傳染病流行期間保持個人衞生等。 這些固然有效,可是覆蓋面單一,難以預防較複雜的災難情景(例如:一旦玻璃窗真的破裂後,該如何應對)。

  7. You can take your time and pace to study the courses on the Moodle system and return to continue your studies anytime and anywhere! The Webinars/Webcasts and Case Studies sub-sections contain knowledge in emergency planning, disaster preparedness and responses, community resilience including leadership and management.