雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. C. 公众地方内扰乱秩序行为. 任何人在公众地方偷窥或偷拍另一人的私处,将可视作在公众地方扰乱秩序,以致可能破坏社会安宁而被检控。. 任何人在公众地方喧哗或作出扰乱秩序的行为,或使用的言词具恐吓、辱骂或侮辱意味,或派发或展示任何载有此等言词 ...

  2. 通姦是指任何已婚人士自願與配偶以外的人發生性關係。 已婚人士跟他人發生性關係,而該人不是自己的配偶,便構成通姦。 已婚人士要在香港提出離婚,唯一可提出申請的理由是「婚姻已破裂至無可挽救」。

  3. C. 公眾地方內擾亂秩序行為. 任何在公眾地方偷窺或偷拍另一人的私處,將可視作在公眾地方擾亂秩序,以致可能破壞社會安寧而被檢控。. 任何在公眾地方喧嘩或作出擾亂秩序的行為,或使用的言詞具恐嚇、辱罵或侮辱意味,或派發或展示任何載有此等言詞 ...

  4. 侵犯私隱(閉路電視). 閣下或閣下的鄰居或許會基於保安理由,考慮在家門外安裝閉路電視,甚至已經安裝閉路電視,以監視門外情況。. 不過,假如閉路電視攝錄過量個別影像或有關個人的資料,使用閉路電視便可能觸犯香港法例 第486章《個人資料(私隱 ...

    • A. What Is Trespass to Land?
    • B. Who Can Sue?
    • C. Remedies

    Trespass to land is committed when the defendant, without permission, intentionally enters, remains on, or directly causes any physical matter to come into contact with land in the actual possession of the plaintiff. Examples of trespass to land are: 1. setting foot on the land; 2. riding or driving over the land; 3. taking possession of the land; ...

    Trespass to land is actionable by the person who is in possession of the land. If land is in the possession of a tenant, the tenant is the proper plaintiff to sue for trespass to land. The landlord has no right to sue for trespass. As with nuisance, family members of the owner of the land have no right to sue for trespass to land unless they have s...

    1. Damages

    If the trespass has caused the plaintiff actual damage, such as physical injury to the land causing a diminution in the value of the land, he is entitled to receive an amount sufficient to compensate him for his loss. If the defendant has made use of the plaintiff's land, the plaintiff is entitled to receive by way of damages a sum that should reasonably be paid for that use.

    2. Injunctions

    The court may grant an injunction to prevent the continuance or threatened repetition of a trespass or threatened acts of trespass.

    3. Recovery of possession

    In the case of a trespasser who has possession of the plaintiff's land, the plaintiff can institute an action in the court for ejectment, which is recovery of possession of the land.

  5. 新式婚姻. 另一種稱作新式婚姻,即兩名年滿16歲的未婚男女舉行公開的結婚儀式,並由至少兩名見證人在場見證,而任何一個擁有合理思維的都會認為他們已透過該儀式結為夫婦。 雙方進行的結婚儀式必須公開,意即任何沒有獲邀的人士均能觀看。 例如舉行儀式的場地沒有關上門,便算符合公開原則。 這種婚姻亦稱作認可婚姻。 上述兩種婚姻(中國舊式婚姻及新式婚姻)的締結雙方可到婚姻登記處補辦登記手續;即是說,雙方即使已經完婚,仍可到婚姻登記處登記該段婚姻。 為舊式或認可婚姻辦理登記手續,該段婚姻便會成為合法婚姻,婚姻亦因而具法律約束力,受法律承認,並可在香港執行。 香港法例 第178章《婚姻制度改革條例》 第7條 及 第8條 列明甚麼婚姻可獲承認為舊式婚姻和認可的新式婚姻, 第9條 則訂明兩種婚姻的登記手續。

  6. A. What are the grounds for divorce? Must I explain why I want a divorce? In law, there is in fact only one ground for presenting a petition for divorce, namely, that the marriage has broken down irretrievably.

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