雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 廣告片巧妙結合了實景拍攝及大量後期製作,於60秒內高度濃縮中國銀行在港服務100周年的重要歷史事件,伴隨優美如歌的配樂及深情如詩的解說,營造微電影般的畫面氛圍。 廣告片現正於多個覆蓋香港內地及東南亞地區的電視頻道網絡平台及香港戶外電視熱播。 歡迎您留意觀賞,回顧中銀香港由一間不足10人的小分號,發展為國際化區域性銀行的奮鬥歷程,以及與國家、與香港風雨同舟,共創繁榮的世紀回憶。 站在新百年的起點,中銀香港將繼續穩步發展,期待與社會各界攜手並進,續寫輝煌。 百年中銀,始終與您同行! 列印.

  2. 賺高達20X積分!. | 信用卡 | 中國銀行 (香港)有限公司. 主頁 > 信用卡 > 推廣優惠 > 最新優惠 > 20X狂賞派!. 賺高達20X積分!. 一齊去片睇下點賺盡積分!.

  3. 管理人員綜合保障計劃. 為管理級人員的客戶提供全面的人身意外保障、全年旅遊及高爾夫球保障。. 客戶再無須顧慮一旦遇上意外而為家人帶來的財務負擔,可專注發展的業務。. 條款及細則 :. 本計劃由中銀集團保險有限公司 (「中銀集團保險」)承保 ...

  4. Established on 1 October 2001, Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited (referred to as Bank of China (Hong Kong) or BOCHK) is a locally incorporated licensed bank. Bank of China (Hong Kong) is a leading listed commercial banking group in Hong Kong in terms of ...

  5. 每位客戶(以身份證明文件號碼計算)須於登記期內成功登記本推廣,並於整個推廣期內以合資格信用卡累積合資格簽賬達HK$20,000或以上,方可享額外8%現金回贈;每位客戶於整個推廣期可享最多HK$2,000現金回贈。. 4.「月結單分期」一筆過手續優惠將視乎個別 ...

  6. As your trusted wealth management partner, Wealth Management service team possesses professional knowledge and experience to assist you in developing with tailored solutions which suit your financial needs. Furthermore, our Wealth Planning Service brings you one-stop interactive wealth planning experience, ensuring your financial needs are well ...

  7. We will only proceed with a mortgage application referred by a third party appointed by us, and the appointed third party should not charge any fees from the applicant for loan application referral. For enquiries, please contact our Personal Customer Service Hotline at +852 3988 2388.