雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2016年10月30日 · Your Name director Makoto Shinkai talks about his next anime film, gives hopeful timeframe. Anime hit Your Name to get Academy Award-qualifying U.S. theatrical run this year. Makoto Shinkai’s 'Your Name' surpasses the earnings of two of Hayao Miyazaki’s films as its box office romp continues.

  2. 2018年10月26日 · Still can't get over Kimi no Na wa (Your Name), Shinkai Makoto's massively popular tear-jerker of a film? Neither can we! And that's why we're excited to hear that Radwimps, the equally successful rock band behind its soundtrack, has released a short clip previewing four tracks from the movie: "Dream Lantern," "Zenzenzense," "Sparkle ...

  3. 2019年10月31日 · 1. 招财猫招来良缘的今戸神社. 这间神社因为地处台东区今户,而被命名为今户神社。 在此被祭拜的是传说中日本的「第一对夫妻」,因而被认为是能够缔结良缘的神社。 另外,这间神社的一大特征就是日本的「招财猫」。 在此随处可见憨态可掬的招财猫们,它们不仅可以招财,还招来好运。 传说只要摸摸正殿前的一对招财猫,并与其合照,再把照片设为手机的桌面,就能够实现愿望,招来好运喔! 从浅草站走路过去有一小段距离,在散步的过程中还能够欣赏到日本的传统街景和小店,也不失为散步的一段好路程。 今戸神社. 地址. 东京都台东区今戸1-5-22. 交通. 东京地铁银座线「浅草」站步行约15分钟. 2. 恋爱签神准的东京大神宫. 东京大神宫是第一间举行婚礼的神社,这一传统也由此传承下去。

  4. 2016年12月5日 · Rie Kaneko and Rei Kuromiya return as The Idol Formerly Known as Ladybaby—sans “Beard”—to present the music video “Sanpai! Goshuin girl☆.” The girls haven't gone soft: Headbanging and screaming are still part of the action, with crazy choreography provided by Mikity Honmono of Nichohalo.

  5. They're our authors! All About Japan and Japanese stuff! Find anime, music, castles, food, restaurants, videos, shopping, travel tips and more. New mega-feature every Monday!

  6. 2017年10月4日 · Toho, Your Name’s distributor in Japan, has just announced that a live-action Hollywood version of Your Name is in the works, with none other than J.J. Abrams attached as a producer. The Hollywood Your Name will be a joint production between Toho, Paramount Pictures, and Abrams’ Bad Robot Productions.

  7. 2019年6月14日 · And just as he did with the release of My Neighbor Totoro last year, Chinese designer Huang Hai has worked his magic once again, creating a series of breathtaking posters that make us want to watch the film all over. http://www.spoon-tamago.com/2019/06/14/spirited-away-chinese-posters/