雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Lang Ping, Lang Ping’s daughter, has been in extreme favor of her mother’s decision as she has been deeply in love with Guangzhou after she first arrived in the city. Bai Lang stayed in Guangzhou for 3 or 4 days in mid-July, when she was trained with the Evergrande Women's Volleyball Club almost every day, and she was fascinated by her new home with an area of 308 square meters.

  2. The net profit soared to 72.21 billion yuan, by a significant year-on-year growth of 106.4%, gross profit of 168.95 billion yuan by 50.5%, with the continuous trend of high-level development. The turnover reached 466.2 billion yuan, a remarkable year-on-year growth of 49.9%.

  3. www.evergrande.com › big › Home恒大集团

    恒大召开保交楼专题会 确保完成全年交楼任务 12月2日晚7时,恒大集团召开保交楼工作专题会议,许家印在会上重点总结了今年以来的复工复产保交楼情况,并要求确保完成全年保交楼任务。许家印表示:“今年1至11月,恒大集团实现交楼25.6万套,2022年全年要力争完成30...

  4. 2016年8月30日 · Resulting from the soaring annual sales in the past years, Evergrande’s total assets, operating revenue and cash reserve has respectively increased by 15, 24 , 16 times since 2009, while Vanke’s just increased by 4, 3 and 2 times.

  5. 恆大集團 - 投資者關係 - 股份資料. 投資者關係 > 股份資料. 股份代號. 03333. 上市日期. 05 Nov 2009. 上市地點. 香港聯合交易所主板. 開曼群島註冊辦事處.

  6. 2010年3月11日 · [East Asian Economy & Trade News] NPC & CPPCC focus: The Richest Man Fell in Love with Charity, Charity on a National Basis is the Way Date:2010.03.11 Publisher : “East Asian Economy & Trade News” 2010-3-11 Special Dispatch Team for NPC ...

  7. 集团董事局主席许家印一行与中国工商银行高层团队会见 恒大品牌实力获赞誉 4月5日至9日,恒大集团董事局主席许家印、董事局副主席兼总裁夏海钧一行,在北京、上海和深圳,分别会见了多家金融机构及企业高层,各家均高度认可恒大作为民企龙头的强大实力、骄人业绩,并就进一步深化双方 ...