雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. HKJCDPRI is based at the HKAM, and partners with CCOUC, HKU and Harvard. We focus on the need for competencies on knowledge, skills as well as attitude to reduce disaster loss and suffering. Join us in our training and exchange activities to build a community of practice in disaster preparedness and response.

  2. 惡劣環境容易引致傳染病爆發的風險;而防災設施不足,令居民在危急情況下未能適當自救。. 教研中心與「 香港聖公會麥理浩夫人中心 」合作,邀請光板田村寮屋居民共同設計和執行防災活動。. 其中,村民在計劃的支持下,選舉及組織村內的防火及衞生大使 ...

  3. World Bank Guideline Published: “An EPIC Response: Innovative Governance for Flood and Drought Risk Management”. 2021年除了仍舊是疫症之年,但世界各地的水災與旱災卻不會因此而絕跡,災情之嚴重性更不容忽視。. 氣候危機帶來不少破壞性後果,在過去二十年來中最具破壞性的要數 ...

  4. 2019年3月28日 · 這個工作坊是專為於災難防護和應變工作中,負責指揮或管理工作的醫護健康專業人員和相關界別的高級人員而設,目的為向參加者分享實用技能和策略,以改善他們在衞生災害和災難期間的指揮和溝通能力。 各界傳媒人士和企業顧問將會在工作坊中與參加者分享本地的災難處理經驗。

  5. 多謝各位幼稚園老師積極參與,經過評判團嚴謹的評審,得獎者終於誕生!. 教案比賽結果已於 7 月 28 日 《幼稚園創新防災教材研發計劃》成果分享會中宣佈,得獎者名單如下:. A組:面授教學教案. 全場總冠軍:許嘉曉. 金獎:梁雅莹、何漪琪、林詠筠及梁家 ...

  6. This case on stampedes is aimed at familiarizing students and practitioners of public health, disaster management, and urban planning with the risk of stampedes in mass gatherings. Stampedes and weather related events are the two greatest causes of mortality at mass gatherings.

  7. This course offers theoretical and practical framework of effective advocacy and emergency risk communication in an evolving media landscape, and covers cases ranging from outbreaks to natural disasters in humanitarian settings. The course is designed for Master for Public Health (MPH) students and occasional students.