雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 1995年,登輝總統公開談論國民政府進行的暴行。 這是第一次一名台灣領導公開談論228大屠殺。 登輝總統代表政府向人民抱歉,並表示被白色恐怖時期所影響的人民應該被正視。

    • Atmosphere
    • Celebrations
    • Festivals

    Taiwan has a very unique atmosphere during the Spring Festival. Since most of the Taiwanese population is Chinese, many of the shops in Taiwan close during the Spring Festival. This causes many business districts of Taiwan to be quiet and empty. While commercial areas of Taiwan become calm during the Chinese New Year holiday season, neighborhoods a...

    Many Taiwanese people celebrate the Spring Festival with various traditional Chinese customs and traditions. Since Chinese New Year is one of the most vibrant holidays in Taiwan, all celebrations are oriented around having fun with family and friends. 1. If you’re familiar with Chinese New Year celebrations in mainland China, you probably know that...

    There are many Taiwanese festivals that allow people to celebrate certain aspects of the Spring Festival. 1. In the northern Taiwan’s city of Pingxi, the Sky Lantern Festival is one of the most popular events. During this festival, thousands of Kongming, or flying paper lanterns, are released into the sky to send wishes to the gods. These lanterns ...

  2. 21 小時前 · Taiwan’s public holidays are provided for by the Ministry of Labor through the Labor Standards Act and its related Enforcement Rules. The Central Personnel Administration in Taipei regulates all non-working national holidays. Other branches of the government of Taiwan have been known to issue one-time national holidays.

  3. Mid-Autumn Festival, also called “Moon Festival”, is celebrated in Taiwan and elsewhere in East Asia to mark the fall harvest and, to some, to offer traditional worship to the moon. It comes on the 15th day of the 8th month of the Han Chinese calendar and falls on the full moon of either September or October on the Western calendar.

  4. 農曆新年或春節,是全世界華人社區最大的盛事,尤其最爲台灣大肆慶祝。 農曆新年在台灣是法定假期。 春節始于農曆正月初一,一直持續到農曆正月十五,農曆新年方才結束。 春節是一家團圓的節慶,在這時候,許多世界各地的游客也會到台灣旅游感受並慶祝農曆新年。 氛圍. 在台灣迎接春節的氛圍是相當獨特的經驗。 台灣大部分的人口是華裔,在春節的這段期間大部分的商店會暫時閉門休息,因此商圈通常是安靜和空蕩的。 與安靜的商圈相映的是熙攮的社區和鄰里。 較大的慶典活動在鄉鎮和市區中舉辦,春節夜市也會在社區中心架設,因此這些地區也成爲新年期間社交聚會和商業交易的樞紐。 雖然大部分商店都會閉門休息,但相反的,大部分的飯店和餐館都會照常營業,這主要是在這段期間,同時有大量游客湧入。

  5. 台灣目前有19個國定假日,每個國定假日都由勞工部通過《勞動標準法》及相關施行細則訂定。. 同時,臺北的人事行政局規定了所有非工作假日。. 台灣政府其他部門曾經發佈過一次性法定假日,通常在發生緊急狀況時發佈,比如颱風襲擊,政府有權利以任何 ...

  6. 親朋好友和家庭成員聚集一塊觀賞龍舟競渡和享用具有深層意義的粽子,但其實這節日有一段較嚴肅的意義。. 屈原,中國偉大詩人之一,是戰國時代楚懷王的大夫。. 由於其過人的智慧遭到他人排擠,其同僚謊稱他犯下莫須有罪行,致使他被流放,在絕望和悲憤 ...