雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. HKJCDPRI is based at the HKAM, and partners with CCOUC, HKU and Harvard. We focus on the need for competencies on knowledge, skills as well as attitude to reduce disaster loss and suffering. Join us in our training and exchange activities to build a community of practice in disaster preparedness and response.

  2. www.hkjcdpri.org.hk › about-us-1About Us | HKJCDPRI

    The Hong Kong Jockey Club Disaster Preparedness and Response Institute (HKJCDPRI) was set up in 2014 with the generous donation from The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust. Housed in and led by the Hong Kong Academy of Medicine, the HKJCDPRI aims to build a prepared community in Hong Kong to respond to disasters.

  3. HKJCDPRI is based at the HKAM, and partners with CCOUC, HKU and Harvard. We focus on the need for competencies on knowledge, skills as well as attitude to reduce disaster loss and suffering. Join us in our training and exchange activities to build a community of practice in disaster preparedness and response.

  4. 鄧先生帶領香港警務處重大事故科大型活動策劃組,制訂大型活動的保安策略,在制訂大型活動的保安策略方面極富經驗,當中包括備受注目的國際大型會議、重大體育盛事、國際政要訪問,尤其專注於場地搜查、保安檢查方面。

  5. 惡劣環境容易引致傳染病爆發的風險;而防災設施不足,令居民在危急情況下未能適當自救。. 教研中心與「 香港聖公會麥理浩夫人中心 」合作,邀請光板田村寮屋居民共同設計和執行防災活動。. 其中,村民在計劃的支持下,選舉及組織村內的防火及衞生大使 ...

  6. 填色比賽金獎得主 - 鄧麗莎同學認為當遇到災難的時候,應抱著「三心兩意」的態度:「三心」所指是靜「心」去面對,細「心」去觀察,齊「心」去對抗;至於「兩意」是指注「意」安全環境,留「意」身邊事物!

  7. 2021年1月20日 · Latest News. Check out the latest news of Hong Kong Jockey Club Disaster Preparedness and Response Institute. 20 January, 2021 Wednesday. 正念運用:以獅子山精神面對疫情後的「新常態」 [This article is only available in Chinese.] 專家:陳燕妮, Jenny (呼吸微笑身心正念中心臨床心理學家) 心理學的「個人韌性」(ego resilience)概念指出如果我們擁有以下的特質,我們的個人韌性會比較高,當我們遇到困難或逆境的時候,會比較容易振作起來,亦能夠更快重建正常的生活。

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