雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. CHAN Chi In 陳智妍 Outstanding Student Award 2017, Faculty of Humanities 二零一七年度人文學院卓越學生獎 YIP Cheuk Ying 葉卓瀅 Outstanding Student Award 2017, School of Design 二零一七年度設計學院卓越學生獎 TSANG Ka Po Lillian 曾嘉寶

  2. This programme is hosted by the Department of Chinese and Bilingual Studies and supported by the Department of Chinese History and Culture, the Department of English and Communication, the Department of Computing [for Compulsory and Elective Subjects], and the School of Design [for Elective Subjects]. This programme consists of two specialisms:

  3. Prof. Shengwei Wang is the Director of Research Institute for Smart Energy (智慧能源研究院院長), a university-level Research institute in PolyU, and leading the “building energy and automation” research and application, particularly in the subject areas of energy system control optimization, design optimization and diagnosis ...

  4. 你可能也想看. "2021香江学者计划" 从内地大学及机构挑选出优秀的博士后研究员,赴港跟随本地杰出学者开展科研工作。 该年度共有52名博士后研究员入选,理大取录了其中22名,人数在8间政府资助大学中居首位。 此计划旨在由内地和香港联合培育博士后研究员,让两地人员共同进行高阶研...

  5. Andrew Yao Chi-chih 姚期 2014 Mildred S. Dresselhaus 2013 John F. Nash, Jr. 約翰•納殊 2011 Ryoji Noyori 野依良治 2007 Zhu Guangya 朱光亞, PhD 1996 Wu Ta-you 吳大猷, BS, MA, PhD, HonDSc (Mich.), HonDSc (Nankai), HonDSc (National Chiao

  6. 史丹福大学编订最新 “科学界作者标准化引文指标数据库" (Updated science-wide author databases of standardised citation indicators),涵盖超过十万名顶尖科学家的相关数据。. 该资料显示,有逾 190 位理大学者位居 2021 年度全球首 2% 顶尖科学家之列;当中更有约 20 名学者 ...

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