雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 最受欢迎的适合英语学习者的词典和同义词词典。. 词语的意思、解释、发音及翻译。.

  2. 最受歡迎的適合英語學習者的詞典和同義詞詞典。. 字詞的意思、解釋、發音及翻譯。.

  3. 免費的在線翻譯器,擁有強大的詞典定義,發音,同義詞和例句並支持19種在網絡上最常用的語言。.

  4. 主要特徵. 劍橋高級英漢學習詞典植根於對 劍橋英語語料庫 的原創性研究,收錄有歐洲語言共同參考架構A1至C2所有級別詞彙並彙集於 「英語詞彙檔案」 。. 173,000個詞、詞組、意思和例句. 聽這個詞在英式和美式英語中如何發音. 引導語帶找到您正在尋找的確切 ...

  5. 令人滿意的;令人愉快的;合意的;有趣的. a good book 一本好書. Did you have a good time at the party? 你在派對上玩得開心嗎? The weather has been really good for the time of year. 就這個季節而言,這段時間的天氣真是難得的好。 I've just had some very good news. 我剛得知一些令人特別開心的消息。 It's so good to see you after all this time! 分開這麼長時間,見到你真是高興! used in greetings. (用於打招呼)好.

  6. 认真刻苦的,勤奋的,勤劳的. a diligent student 用功的学生. Leo is very diligent in/about his work. 奥工作非常勤奋。. Their lawyer was extremely diligent in prepar ing their case. 律师为他们这个案子做了认真扎实的准备。. done in a careful and detailed way. 细致的,潜心的. The discovery was ...

  7. a particular way of considering something. (思考問題的)角度,觀點,想法. Her attitude lends a fresh perspective to the subject. 她的態度為這個問題提供了新的視角。 He writes from a Marxist perspective. 他從一個馬克思主義者的角度寫作。 Because of its geographical position, Germany's perspective on the situation in Russia is very different from Washington's. 由於地理位置不同,德國對俄羅斯局勢的看法與華盛頓大相徑庭。