雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Form. Shin-Biofermin S tab. Packing/Price. 120's. Shin-Biofermin S (Conc Bifidobacterium bifidum 2 mg, conc Lactobacillus acidophilus powd 2 mg, conc S. faecalis powd 2 mg): Intestinal regulation (regulate.

  2. Info. dioctahedral smectite. Concise Prescribing Info. Contents. Dioctahedral smectite. Indications/Uses. Smecta Symptomatic treatment of acute diarrhea in childn & infants in addition to oral rehydration, & in adults; chronic diarrhea; pain associated to oesophagus & gastroduodenal & colic disease.

  3. Info. Reducar來膚康. isotretinoin. Manufacturer: G.A. Pharmaceuticals. Distributor: Health Alliance. Concise Prescribing Info. Contents. Isotretinoin. Indications/Uses. Treatment of cystic, conglobate & severe acne which has failed to respond to other therapies. Dosage/Direction for Use.

  4. Dosage/Direction for Use. Apply a thin layer of cream to the affected areas of the face & all affected areas of the trunk once daily, in the evening, on a clean & dry skin. 1 pump actuation should be enough to cover the face, 2 pump actuations for the upper trunk, 1 additional pump actuation for middle & lower back if acne is present. >4 pump ...

  5. MIMS home. Drugs. Info. Dhamol. paracetamol. Manufacturer: Teva. Distributor: Zuellig. Concise Prescribing Info. Contents. Paracetamol. Indications/Uses. Analgesic & antipyretic. Dosage/Direction for Use. Adult 1-2 tab (max: 8 tab/day). Childn 6-12 yr 250-500 mg or ½-1 tab, 1-6 yr 125-250 mg, ≤1 yr 62.5-125 mg. To be taken tds-qds. Administration.

  6. MIMS home. Drugs. Info. Daflon達夫隆. diosmin + hesperidin. / Concise Prescribing Info. Contents. Micronized purified flavonoid fraction: Per 500 mg FC tab Diosmin 450 mg, flavonoids expressed as hesperidin 50 mg. Per 1,000 mg FC tab Diosmin 900 mg, flavonoids expressed as hesperidin 100 mg. Indications/Uses.

  7. MIMS home. Drugs. Info. Spedifen美樂芬止痛素/片. ibuprofen. Manufacturer: Zambon. Distributor: Zenfields. / Firma Popular. Concise Prescribing Info. Contents. Ibuprofen-arginine. Indications/Uses. Symptomatic relief of pain (eg, headache, toothache, dysmenorrhea, osteoarticular & muscular pain). Fever due to flu. Dosage/Direction for Use.