雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 廟宇介紹 . 西貢佛堂門天后古廟又稱大廟,於2023年被評為法定古蹟,始建於南宋時期(咸淳二年 1266年前),是全港天后廟中最古老、規模最大的一間。. 主祀神祇為天后,其他供奉神祇有金花娘娘、觀音、彌勒佛、關帝、斗姥元君及六十太歲等。. 主要節誕 ...

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  2. 紅磡觀音廟. 紅磡觀音廟建於同治十二年(1873),先後於光緒十五年及宣統二年重修。. 據稱在1909年,政府擬開路貫通紅磡與九龍城及尖沙咀的交通,工人在山區掘地的時候,忽然有紅色水柱自地底射出,謠傳是工人掘傷龍脈,工人因此不敢繼續工作,其後驗出 ...

  3. 華人廟宇委員會為弘揚觀音大士「慈、悲、喜、捨」的精神及慶祝觀音寶誕,於2014年10月10至12日,假銅鑼灣摩頓台臨時遊樂場舉行「銅鑼灣觀音廟會」。具130年歷史的大坑火龍更破例在中秋節以外巡遊舞動,護送「觀音行宮」由大坑蓮花宮至廟會會場,並在浣紗街舞動表演,圍觀者眾。

  4. Tin Hau (Goddess of the Sea or Queen of Heaven) Tin Hau, also named Mazu (媽祖), was a native of Fujian Province. At the age of 13 she met a Taoist priest who taught her how to predict the future, weather and help those who were sick and weak.

  5. www.ctc.org.hk › en › deitieswww.ctc.org.hk

    Tin Hau (天后) who is also called Matsu (Mother–Ancestor) was a native of Fujian Province. She met a Taoist priest at the age of 13 who taught her how to predict the future and help those who were sick and weak. It was said that she travelled about the sea on a mattress made of reed to save the people who were being drowned.

  6. 廟宇介紹 . 深水埗居民相信藉著神祇庇佑,可以風調雨順,於是便集資建廟。. 後因深水埗的發展,令廟宇歷經搬遷,並於1913年在現址建廟。.

  7. The temple was built in 1873 for commemorating Tin Hau (天后). Not long after its completion, Hong Kong was hit by a severe typhoon and the Temple was ruined by the typhoon but the damage to Shau Kei Wan was the least among various districts in Hong Kong.

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