雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2024年6月30日 · 李大釗 (1889年10月29日—1927年4月28日),字 守常 ,直隸 樂亭 ( 今 河北 唐山市的轄縣 )人 [1] :3309 。. 中國最早的 馬克思主義 者之一, 中國共產黨 早期領導人之一 [1] :3309 。. 1913年天津法政專門學校畢業後,去日本 早稻田大學 讀書 [1] :3309 。. 曾 ...

  2. 李大钊 (1889年10月29日—1927年4月28日),字 守常 ,直隶 乐亭 ( 今 河北 唐山市的轄縣 )人 [1] :3309 。. 中国最早的 马克思主义 者之一, 中国共产党 早期领导人之一 [1] :3309 。. 1913年天津法政專門學校畢業後,去日本 早稻田大學 讀書 [1] :3309 。. 曾參 ...

  3. 李大釗(1889年10月29日-1927年4月28日),字守常,河北樂亭人。. 1907年考入天津北洋法政專門學校 ,1913年畢業後東渡日本,入東京早稻田大學政治本科學習,是中國共產主義運動的先驅,偉大的馬克思主義者,傑出的無產階級革命家,中國共產黨的主要創始人 ...

  4. en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Li_DazhaoLi Dazhao - Wikipedia

    • Biography
    • Legacy
    • Family

    Early life

    Li was born into a peasant family in Laoting County, Hebei (previously Zhili) province in 1889. His childhood was miserable. His father died a few months before he was born, and his mother died when he was a baby. At the age of ten, Li married Zhao Renlan, who was nearly six years older; Li's foster grandfather arranged the marriage for Li's protection. He received his traditional education in three village schools in Laoting County for a decade. He started his modern education at Yongpingfu...

    Head Librarian and Professor at Peking University

    After returning to China, Li served as an editor in Beijing for a few newspapers on which he published numerous articles to promote democracy, freedom, constitutional rule, and national resurgence. As a leading intellectual in the New Culture Movement,: 32 he lashed out at China's feudal tradition, criticized the old tyrannical past, and strongly endorsed the representative system. In January 1918, Li was hired by Cai Yuanpei to be the head of the library at Peking University (Beijing Univers...

    Co-founder of the Chinese Communist Party

    By many accounts, Li was a nationalist and believed that the Chinese nation could enjoy a renaissance by accepting a new culture, rejuvenating its people, and remolding its civilization. It is interesting to note that Li admired America for years but changed that attitude to be a pro-Russian intellectual in 1919. Like other intellectuals of his time, Li's thinking was impacted by diverse elements such as Kropotkin's anarchism. After the May Fourth Movement, he and other intellectuals started...

    Li Dazhao left an enduring legacy upon modern Chinese history. As a leading intellectual of China's New Cultural Movement, he wrote hundreds of articles to promote democracy, support constitutional government, endorse individual freedom, and called for a national revival. His ideological world might be complex as he incorporated diverse thoughts.Hi...

    Spouse: 1. Zhao Renlan (1884–1933). Children: 1. Li Baohua(1909–2005) served as the governor of the People's Bank of China from 1978 to 1982. 2. Li Xinghua (1911–1979) 3. Li Yanhua 4. Li Guanghua 5. Li Xinhua

  5. 李大釗推動了馬克思主義在中國廣泛傳播,為中國共產黨創建準備了思想條件。 李大釗是中國共產黨的主要創始人之一。1920年初,李大釗等革命家就開始商議在中國建立無產階級政黨。

  6. 原標題:革命先驅李大釗:為挽救“神州陸沉”奮斗終身. 李大釗是中國共產主義運動的先驅,偉大的馬克思主義者、杰出的無產階級革命家、中國共產黨的主要創始人之一。. 進入20世紀,辛亥革命爆發,新文化運動涌起,特別是五四運動的爆發,使中國社會 ...

  7. 李大釗是中國共產黨的主要創始人之一。1920年初,李大釗等革命家就開始商議在中國建立無產階級政黨。

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