雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. To impact one on a deep, emotionally meaningful level; to stir a strong emotion in one, especially sadness, pity, etc. When the lights came on, the room was silent, and you could tell the documentary had pierced everyone's heart.

  2. catch as catch can. By whatever means or in any way possible, as in There was no formal language program; one simply learned Spanish catch as catch can. This term, in slightly varying versions but with the same meaning, dates from the late 1300s. See also: can, catch. The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer.

  3. To make all arrangements or preparations that one will or might find necessary or useful in advance of something happening. You need to plan ahead before you set off on some weeks-long road trip. The leak in the coolant system could have been catastrophic.

  4. The belief or hope that the third attempt at something will be successful. Primarily heard in US. I've failed this test twice already, so hopefully the third time's the charm. A: "Try turning the generator on again." B: "OK, here we go. Third time's the charm!" See also: charm, third.

  5. The more prepared or knowledgeable you are, the more likely you will be able to make the most of chance opportunities and observations. The phrase is attributed to 19th-century bacteriologist Louis Pasteur. A: "Once the user had exhausted our usual troubleshooting suggestions, I was able to see the cause of his unique issue in the program."

  6. To avoid making a judgment or decision about someone or something without full knowledge about them or it. I know you think that Morton is a dullard, but try to keep an open mind—once you get to know him better, you'll find that he's really quite funny. I don't usually like musicals, but I'm keeping an open mind. See also: an, keep, mind, open.

  7. peachy. Just fine; splendid; as good as one could hope for. Sometimes used sarcastically to imply the opposite. A: "Everyone doing all right in here?" B: "Yep, we're peachy!" A: "Oof, that was quite a tumble.

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