雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2021年12月28日 · The Tsuruoka Science Park, located among the beautiful rural scenery surrounding Tsuruoka City in Yamagata Prefecture in northern Honshu, is home to research institutes and venture companies that continue to create innovative technologies.

  2. 2021年1月27日 · KIZUNA Top Environment. A small town in Chiba Prefecture has created a microgrid—a decentralized electric power system—utilizing locally produced natural gas and solar energy. This innovation exemplifies how regional energy diversification can enhance the resilience of local communities throughout Japan.

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  3. 自2011 年3 月11日東日本大地震重創福島地區,導致東京電力控股公司的福島第一核電廠(NPS)發生事故以來,該公司持續在推進廢爐工. 質對當地人民和環境造成的風險。這些. 努力現在正來到一個重大轉捩點。周圍海域的放射性�. 質濃度已充分降低,場址邊界�. 穿著常規工作服前往約96% 工學系研究科岡本孝司教授說道。回收燃料殘渣是該過程中最困難的挑戰之一,但教授表示,「有必要克服此�. 挑戰,以便進一步推進廢爐工作。」完成這項艱鉅任務的一個重要步驟是將經過ALPS處理的水排入大�. ,該步驟已於2023 年8月著手進行。ALPS處理水是指將含有來自福島第一核電廠建築物內部放射性物質的水,經過先進液體處理系統(ALPS)淨化和處理,直到除了氚以外的所有放射.

  4. 2012年8月22日 · She shares the appeal of #kyudo (Japanese archery) & other traditional Japanese culture & martial arts to the world via SNS, & also works as a PR & Tourism Ambassador for #Saitama! https://t.co/g3cjcc9vFe #LandOfDiversity pic.twitter.com/LZExl5t7D2. — The Gov't of Japan (@JapanGov) August 28, 2024.

  5. To maximize the use of solar energy and overcome those drawbacks, two promising technologies have been developed: space-based solar power (SBSP) and next-generation flexible solar cells. Japan is making steady progress toward the practical implementation of both. ****.

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  6. JapanGov, the official web portal of the Government of Japan, provides a wealth of information regarding various issues that Japan is tackling, and also directs you to the sites of relevant ministries and agencies.

  7. Breaking the Homelessness Cycle with Bike Sharing February 20, 2023 Inspired by her vision of building a society in which anyone can start over, a young Japanese changemaker has helped more than 4,300 people in need since launching an NPO in her teens.

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