雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 如您不幸身故,「樂安居供樓保障計劃」會為您家人提供一筆現金,協助償還樓宇按揭,讓您的家人能繼續安居。. 保費亦於投保時固定,並保證在保障期內不變。.

  2. 投保資格. 您須同時符合以下資格,才可投保「滙豐裕達年金計劃」:. 年齡介乎19至75歲 [@birthdaydefinition]視乎所選的年金期而定. 符合我們對國籍(國家/地區)、地址及居住地的規定所限,而該規定或時有修改. 「滙豐裕達年金計劃」是具備儲蓄成分的人壽保險 ...

  3. Find information relating to our services, terms and conditions and other updates. HSBC Hong Kong offers a range of bank accounts with 24/7 online banking services for investments, insurance, credit cards, loans, mortgages and savings.

  4. 開始使用網上理財. 透過滙豐網上理財,隨時隨地經不同裝置處理您的日常理財需要。. 戶口狀況一目了然. 您可於同一個介面查閱您的所有交易紀錄及戶口詳情。. 全面掌握投資組合. 投資介面清晰易用,讓您可輕鬆管理投資組合,盡得理財優勢。. 自主理財服務 ...

  5. 關於滙豐保險. 對您而言,承諾代表甚麼?. 一個保障自己、家庭和摯愛的承諾,是生命中最彌足珍貴的事物。. 滙豐保險不僅為您提供保障,更助您身處人生不同時期、追尋不同目標時,兌現您的承諾。. 無論您承諾好好照料家人、守護擁有的一切、保障現有 ...

  6. 從信用卡提取現金,讓理財更靈活自在. 將信用限額兌現成額外現金,或選擇直接償還其他發卡機構的信用卡結欠以節省利息開支。. 「現金套現」計劃不設固定還款期及還款額。. 立即申請,理財靈活更自在。. 利息只按實際結欠逐日計算. 現金直接存入您的指定 ...

  7. Key benefits. Adapt to your liquidity needs. Choose to get monthly annuity payments [@monthlyannuitypayment2] after as little as 1 year, or accumulate savings by leaving the annuity payments in the policy to earn non-guaranteed interest. Effective capital growth.

  8. 尋找本地的滙豐分行,香港分行列表,香港滙豐。. 即時查看本地滙豐分行、理財易中心及自動櫃員機地址、營業時間及提供的銀行服務類別。.

  9. Borrow only if you can repay! Buy, trade up or refinance your property with a mortgage loan from HSBC. Enjoy flexible repayment with a range of rate schemes and loan tenors.

  10. Let us show you how, step by step, as you take charge of your retirement financial goals by thinking ahead, planning early and working out your budgets. Read our 7 key steps to retirement planning. Find out how much you need to save for retirement.

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