雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2022年8月16日 · 本服務包含贊助廣告。 下次到鎌倉除了看鎌倉大佛、搭江之電電車,又多了一個可以去的景點! 2022年8月鐮倉開設「英國古董博物館」建築由隈研吾設計,館內陳設多樣百年古董,並劃分不同主題。 走過了鎌倉經典景點,也不妨來這座新地標看看! 更新日期 : 2022.08.16. 英國古董博物館「BAM鐮倉」 這座英國古董博物館「BAM鐮倉」建築外觀由隈研吾操刀設計。 博物館正面是以當地傳統工藝「鐮倉彫」為靈感設計,並大膽地去掉窗戶,讓整體看起來更顯得簡單純粹。 館內多為館長土橋正臣的珍藏,展區共有 1 到 4 樓,劃分為不同時代與主題,可欣賞到豐富的百年古董館藏,其中包括年代悠久的哈克尼車(倫敦計程車)。 1F 復古 Vintage / 1950—1990 London Taxi.

  2. 2023年4月18日 · 原本位在代官山車站附近的「TENOHA DAIKANYAMA」是一處期間限定的複合式設施,歷經 5 年後,東急不動產於同地點打造新複合式設施「 Forestgate Daikanyama 」(フォレストゲート代官山),預計在 2023 年 10 月下旬開幕。. 即將在秋季誕生的 Forestgate Daikanyama ...

  3. 2020年12月25日 · 山形縣 酒田市 是 江戶時代 的重要貿易商港,以北前船 (※1)文化而興盛一時。. 收藏許多歷史文物的 本間博物館 、可觀賞 舞娘 表演的 相馬樓 等著名景點,都是深受北前船文化的影響。. 本次出發地點為山形縣酒田市。. 從東京站搭乘 新幹線 至新潟站 ...

    • The Sengoku Rulers of Kanto: Who Were The Hojo?
    • Traveling from The Station to Hachioji Castle
    • One of Japan's 100 Famous Castles: The Hachioji Castle Ruins
    • Now to Honmaru: The Capture of Hachioji Castle
    • In Conclusion

    The Sengoku period (roughly 400 years ago) was a world wherein retainers supplanted their lords and rival chiefs and leaders fought one another across the length and breadth of Japan. The daimyo who controlled the fate of Japan possessed great intelligence and are considered to be heroes of their time to this day. The former Hojo clan, specifically...

    Take the Train to Takao

    You will arrive at Takao Station in about fifty minutes if you depart from JR Shinjuku Station. Takao Station is the closest train station to Hachioji Castle. The station next to JR Takao Station on the Keio line is said to be home to the legendary tenguwhich appear frequently in Japanese myths. That is why you can find a giant stone statue of a tengu greeting travelers here at Takao Station.

    Take a Bus and Travel to the Base of the Mountain

    There is a bus stop to your right as soon as you exit the station. Get on the bus bound for Reienmae, and make your way towards the entrance to the Hachioji Castle ruins. It will take about ten minutes to reach the place. There are many buses on this route that do not travel to Hachioji Castle, so if you are unsure of which bus to take, it is a good idea to speak to the driver before boarding.

    Arriving at the Entrance-way

    Get off at the Reienmae Hachioji-jo-ato Iriguchi stop, and you will find yourself at this intersection. There, if you turn to your left, you will find yourself facing a long road that gradually goes upwards; this is the road to the castle. After walking for about ten minutes, you will come across a sign with 'Ruins of Hachioji Castle' written on it, but you will still need to continue on from there.

    As Hachioji Castle was built at the top of a tall mountain, the mountain itself served as a fortress as well. Great skill was required in order to build this castle on such steep, sloping land, which has also helped to make this castle one of Japan's most famous. The castle ruins are divided in two parts: the goshuden (the castle lord's residence) ...

    For Japanese castles, the most important part of their design is the honmaru, or inner citadel. It almost seems as if time has stopped here since the castle was attacked; here and there you can find broken large stones, as though the castle had been only recently destroyed. All that remains are parts of the castle walls scattered along the mountain...

    From the trailhead to the honmaru, it takes about forty minutes, if you walk at a leisurely pace. Although not as famous and lacking a magnificent castle tower when compared to other castles in Japan, one visit to this ingeniously used precipitous landscape will leave you with a great sense of admiration for the technical skill of the castle builde...

  4. 2018年10月16日 · 本服務包含贊助廣告。 金澤美食與飲食文化或許給人茶配和菓子的印象,其實金澤在日本全國咖啡與甜點消費額,量都是名列前茅。 在金澤城公園黑門口外,有家金澤屋咖啡店,木造的和風建築獲得都市文化賞,使用法蘭絨濾方式手沖每一杯咖啡,金箔咖啡,創意和風甜點,一邊欣賞窗外城跡的四季美景。 更新日期 : 2018.10.16. 金澤或許給人在茶屋靜靜喝杯賀棒茶,抹茶配上傳統和菓子的日式印象,但其實當地人愛喝咖啡的程度完全不輸傳統茶類。 在金澤城公園黑門口旁有一家 金澤屋咖啡店 ,能從窗外感受金澤城內四季變化的風景,一邊享用堪稱金澤代表的精品咖啡。 推廣金澤咖啡文化. 放眼望去,東山茶屋附近的餐飲店皆以和食與日本茶為主,然而坐落在小徑中,以手寫的文字看板不刻意招攬客人的咖啡店其實是當地人的下午茶秘密基地。

  5. 2017年6月28日 · 其實長野市區有個名為「小布施町」的小鎮,那裡瀰漫著一股故我的氣息,一種自成一格的調調,並且也曾是浮世繪大師葛飾北齋曾經駐留之地,懷舊悠悠的味道油然而生。. 更新日期 : 2017.06.28. Matcha Admin. 大家來到長野時都去哪裡觀光呢?. 去滑雪?. 去 ...

  6. 2020年1月22日 · 福岡縣 美食. 【九州美食】你可能會感興趣的「博多拉麵」豆知識. 本服務包含贊助廣告。. 你可能吃過一蘭拉麵,但是你可能不知道它所屬的博多拉麵的特色。. 這回說明了一些有關博多拉麵的基本知識,對於海外人士來說,選擇麵條的硬度、追加麵條等可能 ...