雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 韋斯咸
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  2. 晉利有限公司是一家專業提供輪椅及輔助產品的公司,旨在改善殘疾人士的生活質量和自主能力。我們的產品包括手動輪椅、電動輪椅、爬樓梯機、病人起重機、站立機、壓力減輕墊、行走訓練器等,均來自歐洲知名品牌,符合國際標準和安全要求。歡迎瀏覽我們的網站,了解更多產品資訊和

  3. www.janley.com.hk › pressure-reduction-mattresses-hk-c1wta減壓床褥 | janley

    「三重氣囊技術」是透過每三個氣囊為一組,每7.5分鐘輪流交替充氣而達至全床面減壓的一種技術。 功能和優點: 三重氣囊技術. 後備電池. 四種模式. ... 還有更多! 如欲查詢更多,請按這裡. LINET CliniCare 100 HF. CliniCare 100 HF 是一張混能減壓床褥,泡沫膠及氣墊床的結合,從而提供 更好的預防褥瘡效果。 這床褥配置了 微氣候管理技術 (MCM)減少病人因濕度高以引致的傷害。 CliniCare 100 HF床褥為患者和護理人員提供了高端泡沫床墊的同時,更可通過添加泵來加強患者治療。 護理人員只需要簡易操作便可,大大減少替換床褥的人力和時間。 功能和優點: 混能床褥 (泡沫膠及氣墊結合) 記憶棉泡沫層. 7° 小腿減壓切割技術.

  4. www.janley.com.hk › en › movement-therapy-products-hkMovement Therapy | janley

    The MOTOmed layson leg/arm unit is the only motorized movement therapy device for recumbent patients that allows for a passive, assistive and active training of the legs and the arm/upper body muscles. The special design of the MOTOmed makes for positioning from three different bedsides.

  5. The Micro-Temp LT® heat therapy system allows the caregiver to set the water temperature between 20 C and 42 C (68 F – 107 F), apply a CSZ localized temperature therapy pad, and be confident their patient is receiving the optimal benefit of heat therapy.

  6. www.janley.com.hk › lifting-device-and-standing-aidsLifting Device | janley

    Easy and comfortable transfer between wheelchairs, beds, toilet, bath, etc. Clear access to the clients clothing for toileting. Elimination of stress and strain upon the carers back. For further information, please go to the below link:

  7. www.janley.com.hk › en › temperature-management-device-hk體溫調控儀 | janley

    The Micro-Temp LT® heat therapy system allows the caregiver to set the water temperature between 20 C and 42 C (68 F – 107 F), apply a CSZ localized temperature therapy pad, and be confident their patient is receiving the optimal benefit of heat therapy.

  8. www.janley.com.hk › en › lifting-device-and-standing-aidsLifting Device | janley

    Easy and comfortable transfer between wheelchairs, beds, toilet, bath, etc. Clear access to the clients clothing for toileting. Elimination of stress and strain upon the carers back. For further information, please go to the below link: