雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 餐廳服務:小餐廳科技後盾. 餐廳社群:一起開出好餐廳. 因為我們知道餐廳需要的不只是 POS 系統,. 所以除了提供系統上的支援外,更包含免費餐飲創業課程及交流,. 讓小餐廳能擁有企業級的支援團隊,更享有更豐富的成長資源。. 餐廳科技|iCHEF POS. 餐廳用 ...

  2. He believes the ability to track items’ sales, identify trends and control cost, are the key to growth. That’s why he got iCHEF, which has analytics designed specifically for F&B. Working at a coffee shop is tough. There’s no aircon, the workspace is tiny, and it’s unglamorous. You could make life better for your staff.

    • 羅馬利亞 vs 斯諾伐克1
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    • 羅馬利亞 vs 斯諾伐克5
    • Fine / Semi-Fine Dining
    • Bistro / Cafe
    • Coffeeshop / Hawker Stall
    • Family Dining
    • Buffet Style

    The service that you will provide would be on a one to one basis where the waiter/ chef will give an introduction of each dish, the preparation and cooking method used for the dish before serving it for the customer to taste. Semi-fine-dining usually comes with a 4-5 course where there is either one option or limited options in the multi-course mea...

    The dishes offered are contemporary cuisine that is simple, yet refined, and puts a spin on classic dishes. The dishes are moderately priced in a modest setting with alcohol such as wine. A Bistro/Cafe is more casual as compared to semi-fine dining, where there is no specific dress code, and staff usually serve their customers. For casual dining F&...

    This style needs no introduction – simple self-service where customers queue at the stall, order, make payment, then pick up their food when it’s ready. F&B owners in this service style are not necessarily uptight about how they speak and they often don't need to follow etiquettes and rules. For coffee shops/hawker stalls are quicker in using up t...

    Family dining caters well to families with children groups of friends. This can be commonly seen in restaurants serving Chinese and Indian cuisines in Singapore. The service staff here require less experience as compared to bistros.

    This service style is a unique one as compared to the other styles. In a buffet, there are many different types of dishes placed on the counter and customers have the liberty to choose what they want to eat, and how much they want to take. Some buffets may have their service staff behind the buffet counters to assist customers to plate their food.

  3. 你總部的第一套系統. 餐廳事業成長,總是青黃不接。 靠著勤奮成功了多間店,克服了無數的奧客、訓練了無數的門市夥伴,才發現還要面對打造總部的難。 除了要管帳與配貨,更要培養店長們分析銷售的能力。 並總希望那些嗷嗷待哺的新店,也能受到熟客們的親睞與支持。 更不用提,想要調整菜單時的毫無頭緒,以及每次要更新菜單與價錢時,所要花費在系統設定上的時間。 而這些問題不解決,就沒有心力處理領導與策略。 當然,我們都想要一個完整的 ERP,來神奇地解決所有問題。 但事實是那複雜性與價格,又要讓焦頭爛額的老闆如何承擔,因此有太多公司,就止步於此。 也因為這升級的檻,而無法脫離中小企業的慘。 為此,iCHEF 在業界領先的科技架構上提出了全新的解決方案,讓集團化的老闆們能過這個檻。

  4. 今年就宣傳這個了! 蛋糕v.s.冰淇淋,誰是情侶餐甜點? 就聖誕節來店裡的兩人組客人來看,蛋糕的點選率會比平常上升三倍,那套餐的甜點就搭配蛋糕吧! 翻桌如何加快? 週五晚上客人都快排到翻臉了,有辦法提升翻桌速度嗎? 加快翻桌教學影片. 翻桌如何加快? 週五晚上客人都快排到翻臉了,有辦法提升翻桌速度嗎? 加快翻桌教學影片. View fullsize. 能不能只針對週五晚上進行分析? 把時段選取在 17:00 到 22:00 ,選擇內用,再個別挑選想觀察的週五日期。

    • 羅馬利亞 vs 斯諾伐克1
    • 羅馬利亞 vs 斯諾伐克2
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    • 羅馬利亞 vs 斯諾伐克5
  5. iCHEF餐廳服務,我們知道開餐廳最怕不懂沒人幫,什麼服務都要錢,iCHEF 要讓小餐廳面對科技,不再無助。 所以我們建立了業界最大電話客服中心,並提供各種專人免費到店服務,以及出單機免費維修,讓 iCHEF 成為餐飲業的科技後盾,讓小店也能安心使用新科技。

  6. Order while queueing. Track meal progress. Change tables easily. View fullsize. Order from anywhere. Writing orders on paper and then keying them into the POS wastes valuable time. iCHEF doesn’t require a fixed location like a traditional POS system.