雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2024年4月11日 · 中山是 國家歷史文化名城 ,發祥於中山的香山文化是中國近代文化的重要源頭;中山亦是廣府文化的代表城市之一、廣府菜的發祥地之一,享有廣東省曲藝之鄉(粵劇)、華僑之鄉的美譽。 有旅居世界五大洲87個國家和地區的海外僑胞、港澳台同胞80多萬人。 中山市是 珠三角經濟圈 的9個地級市之一,是一個以 外向型經濟 為主, 工業 與 農業 為主相結合的城市。 歷史 [ 編輯] 在距今5千年前的 新石器時代 ,中山只是珠江口 伶仃洋 上的一個島嶼,此時就有 古越族 人在此漁獵、生活。 近十幾年,在中山發現了多處新石器時代的古人生活遺址,包括有 南朗鎮 的龍穴彩陶遺址、 石岐街道 的白水井遺址、 大涌鎮 的全祿遺址等,出土了一批 彩陶 、 磨製石器 、 夾砂陶器 等文物 [7] 。

  2. 中山是 国家历史文化名城 ,发祥于中山的香山文化是中国近代文化的重要源头;中山亦是广府文化的代表城市之一、广府菜的发祥地之一,享有广东省曲艺之乡(粤剧)、華僑之鄉的美誉。 有旅居世界五大洲87个国家和地区的海外侨胞、港澳台同胞80多万人。 中山市是 珠三角经济圈 的9个地级市之一,是一个以 外向型经济 为主, 工业 与 农业 为主相结合的城市。 历史. 在距今5千年前的 新石器时代 ,中山只是珠江口 伶仃洋 上的一个岛屿,此时就有 古越族 人在此渔猎、生活。 近十几年,在中山发现了多处新石器时代的古人生活遗址,包括有 南朗镇 的龙穴彩陶遗址、 石岐街道 的白水井遗址、 大涌镇 的全禄遗址等,出土了一批 彩陶 、 磨制石器 、 夹砂陶器 等文物 [7] 。

  3. 中山(1866年11月12日—1925年3月12日 [註 1] ),名文,後化名中山樵 [8]。字德明,號日新,改號逸仙 [9]。廣東 香山翠亨鄉(今中山市 翠亨村)人 [8]。1940年4月1日,國民政府通令尊稱孫中山為國父 [10]:707 [11]:218。

  4. 地名. 中山国 ,中国春秋战国时期的一个诸侯国. 中山郡 ,中国汉代至晋代的一个郡,又改为中山国,位于今河北省西北部. 中山郡首府,今 定州市. 中山府 ,中國宋代的一個府,府治安喜(今河北省定州市),後改定州. 中山国 (琉球) ,琉球群岛三山时代的三个国家之一,其后吞并南山和北山两国,又称为琉球国. 中山,指沖繩島中部地區,即 中頭. 中山市 ,广东省下辖的一个地级市,古稱 香山. 中山县 (唐朝) ,唐朝时短暂设置的县,在今河北省. 中山區 (臺北市) ,台湾臺北市下辖的一个区. 中山區 (基隆市) ,台湾基隆市下辖的一个区. 中山区 (大连市) ,辽宁省大连市下辖的一个市辖区. 中山街道 ,多处地方有名为“中山街道”的行政区. 中山町 ,日本山形縣東村山郡下轄的町.

  5. en.wikipedia.org › wiki › ZhongshanZhongshan - Wikipedia

    • Names
    • History
    • Geography and Climate
    • Cityscape
    • Administration
    • Language
    • Economy
    • Tourism, Recreation and Leisure
    • Education
    • Notable People

    Until 1925, Zhongshan was generally known as Xiangshan or Heung-san (Siangshan) (Chinese: 香山; lit. 'Fragrant Mountain'), in reference to the many flowers that grew in the mountains nearby. The city was renamed in honor of Sun Yat-sen, who had adopted the name Zhongshan. Sun is considered by both the People's Republic of China and the Republic of Ch...

    Thousands of years ago, much of the Zhongshan area lay within the Pearl River estuary, with only scattered islands above the surface. Gradually from south to north, the area filled in with alluvial silt and became dry land. The northern parts of today's Zhongshan did not fill in until the time of the Ming dynasty. The Zhongshan area was part of an ...

    Zhongshan is located along the west side of the mouth of the Pearl River, directly opposite Shenzhen and Hong Kong. It lies south of Guangzhou and Foshan and north of Zhuhai and Macau. The northern part of Zhongshan, including most of the urbanized area, lies on the alluvial plains of the Pearl River Delta, while the southern part of the city's ter...

    Zhongshan is a city of numerous leafy parks, wide boulevards, and monuments. Notable sights include: 1. Sunwen Road West (or Sunwen Xilu) in Zhongshan Old Town, a pedestrian mall lined with dozens of restored buildings from the colonial period in treaty portstyle. Several of these buildings were built in the 1920s. 2. The seven-story Fufeng Pagoda,...

    Zhongshan is a prefecture-level city of the Guangdong province. An uncommon administrative feature is that it has no county-level division, but the municipal government does group the 24 township-level divisions into five district areas. The city government directly administers 8 Subdistricts and 15 towns: 1. Cuiheng New Area (翠亨新区)

    Although the main ethnic group in Zhongshan is Han Chinese, there is no one dominant language or dialect spoken making Zhongshan one of the most diverse cities in China. Dialects spoken in the city ranging from the more common Yue, Hakka, and Min dialects to the more local Shiqi, Shatian, Longdu, Nanlang, Sanxiang, Guzhen, Sanjiao, and Zhangjiabian...

    Primary industries

    Primary productions are agricultural, such as rice, lychee, banana, and sugar cane. Added to this, horticulture in Xiaolan Town is famous throughout southern China for its blooming chrysanthemum and chickens.

    Manufacturing industries

    Zhongshan, Dongguan, Nanhai, and Shunde are dubbed the 'Four Little Tigers' in Guangdong. The proximity of Zhongshan to Hong Kong and Macauis an advantage to its economic development, especially in manufacturing. In the 1980s, Zhongshan had a relatively developed state-owned enterprise (SOE) sector that was used to stimulate Township and Village Enterprises(TVE) development in the countryside. Currently, the SOE sector is much weaker, and the economy is dominated by foreign investment and TVE...

    Two natural hot spring resorts are located in Sanxiang Town, such as the national own firm Zhongshan Hot Springs Resort, which is ranked top 10[citation needed]hot spring resorts in China because t...

    Colleges and universities

    1. Guangdong Pharmaceutical University (Zhongshan Campus) 2. University of Electronic Science and Technology 3. Guangdong Polytechnic Institute (Zhongshan Campus) 4. Zhongshan Polytechnic 5. Zhongshan Torch Polytechnic

    High schools and institutions

    1. Zhongshan Overseas Chinese Middle School (Chinese: 中山市华侨中学) opened in 1954(Mr. Chen Maoyuan, a returned overseas Chinese, initiated the establishment of the school), is one of the first top-grade schools of Guangdong Province (省一级学校) and the first national demonstrative ordinary high schools (国家级示范性普通高中). 2. Sun Yat-sen Memorial Secondary School (中山纪念中学; Zhōngshān Jìniàn Zhōngxúe) was established in memory of Sun Yat-sen in 1934, and was built under the supervision of Soong Ching-ling, the...

    Sun Yat-sen (孫中山), statesman and political philosopher, first leader of the Kuomintang; served as the provisional first president of the Republic of China
    Siu Kwok-kin[zh] (Chinese: 蕭國健; pinyin: Xiao Guojian), professor, department of Chinese Literature and director of Hong Kong Historical and Cultural Research Center at Zhuhai College, (Jilin Univer...
  6. www.wikiwand.com › zh-hk › 中山市中山市 - Wikiwand

    中山市,通稱中山,舊稱香山,是中華人民共和國廣東省下轄的地級市,是中國唯一一座以近現代領導人命名的地級市,位於廣東省中南部,是粵港澳大灣區的涵蓋城市之一。 市境北界廣州市、佛山市,西毗江門市,南鄰珠海市,東隔珠江口與深圳市相望。 地處珠江三角洲西部,珠江出海口西岸,南部是以五桂山為主的低山丘陵區,北部是平原河網區。 西江主流磨刀門水道流經西緣,北江主流洪奇瀝水道斜貫東北邊界。 市人民政府駐東區街道松苑路1號。